Keep 'em Learning - check our website

Dear Alta Sierra Families,
I know this week is a shock to all of our systems.  I also know you want your children to continue to build and practice skills while school is cancelled.
On our web site, under the "students" tab is a list of websites with free access.  Most of these sites are K-8 and have printable as well as online practice in most subjects.   Use them and keep those little minds and hands busy!
We expect the state government to have specific guidance for us as we build distance learning packets for students.   That should begin at the first of next week.   Be sure to check your email for updates from our superintendent Rusty Clark.   If you know of families not receiving emails, have them call our district office and provide us with a current email address.
Please stay healthy and follow the recommendations from the CDC and local health officials.  
Mr. Bivens