Animal Reports and More!

Hello Room 8 families,
What an exciting week it's been in Room 8! You've no doubt heard about much of the following around the dinner table:
Animal Reports
We've just begun the conversation, and you may have contributed ideas to the chart your child has in his or her homework folder.
Which animals might be a good choice? A key piece is that they must be researchable. For the purposes of this research report, that will mean having at least one book that is at an appropriate reading level. It should also be one that seems interesting to the student – we’ll be working on this for a long time, and will even get to work on a special at-home project with our families.

We'll solidify our animal choices next week, so you might incorporate a visit to the public library or even schedule a time to meet with an expert in our community (in person or virtual).

Field Trip - InConcert Sierra

Thank you for sending in permission slips. InConcert Sierra will send a team of docents to our classroom tomorrow morning to prepare, including such topics as the genre, instruments, performing group (Fandango), and pieces of music they can expect to hear, and concert etiquette.

Spring PTC Candyland Event

Mark your calendars! Our PTC is coordinating this event (flyers came home in today's Thurs. envelope). If you are willing to coordinate an auction basket for our classroom, please email me. We can come up with a theme (perhaps outdoor cooking or family game night) and request donations.