Extra Credit Mission Projects
 Due May 16th!

Below is a copy of a note that was sent home about a month ago. I am sending another copy in case you need it. Thank you!


Extra Credit Mission Projects
 Due May 16th!


* Imagine you are a padre and write a two page-diary entry about a journey from your mission to a neighboring mission by horseback.

* Imagine you are a Native American and write a two page-diary entry about your feelings of life at the missions.

* Go to visit a mission. Take pictures and/or keep a diary of your trip. Put together a picture board, scrapbook, movie or Google slides presentation about your trip.

* Construct a model of your mission. Try to use materials that you already have at home. Please don’t purchase a mission kit or use any type of food (like sugar cubes) to construct your mission. We don’t want ants in our classroom. The base of the model (what the model sits on) may not exceed 24” x 24”.

* Draw a large (12” x 18”) picture of your mission using oil, water, or pastel paints, or colored chalk. Make sure to label your mission on the picture. You can ask me for this size paper.

* Enlarge a picture of your mission and cover as a mosaic with beans, colored rice, or small colored pebbles.

* Use any form of technology to make a presentation about your mission.

Be creative!


Please ask your teacher if you have any questions or need clarification. Remember that this is an extra credit project and it will be displayed at Open House on May 16th.