More Donations Needed...

Hello Parents,
This year the PTC is hosting a Denim & Diamonds Spring Auction event on April 28, 2023. Each classroom has been asked to create a donation basket for the auction. For our class, Rosalynn Asuncion (Sydney's mom) has volunteered to put the basket together. The theme for our class basket is going to be "A Parents Night Out". Depending on the donations received, we would like to put in the basket items such as a gift card to Studio Movie Grill, a gift card to a local restaurant and maybe a couple of goodies for dessert. If each parent could please send in a minimum donation of $5 or more by April 1st that would be great! The basket will go into the silent auction at the event and the proceeds will then go to the PTC to help fund our children's extracurricular activities at the school. 
Ways to donate:
Venmo: @Rosalynn-Asuncion
Send in $5 to Mrs. Cornejo
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Rosalynn via email or text.
Contact Information:
Thank you for supporting our school! We have a few families who have already made donations. We appreciate you!