Weekly Update May 30-June 2

It was great to see so many of our wonderful families at Open House Thursday night! I really enjoyed seeing your children's faces light up as they were showing you so many projects they have been doing in fourth grade this year. I am so proud of them! 
I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend and I will look forward seeing our students back in class on Tuesday, May 31. It is going to be another fast week! We will continue our regular homework schedule to include math WB pages, Xtra Math facts, and Spelling Test 7.3 on Friday. 
Please see our Sign Up Genius for the Fourth Grade End-of-the Year Party on June 7. In addition, we are requesting all students send in $3.00 by Friday, June 2 to cover the cost of the pizza. Yum! Thanks! 
Friday, June 2nd is Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Please remind your child to offer kind words of gratitude to their bus driver on that day. Our bus drivers do an amazing job!!!
Also happening on June 2 is Hawaiian Shirt Day! Your child will receive group points for wearing either a Hawaiian shirt or spirit colors on Friday.
Thank you for all you do for our children! Have a wonderful week!