Amber Yant » Snacks & Lunch

Snacks & Lunch

We have a nutritional snack break built into our daily schedule. It will be from 9:45 – 10:15 and will include time for play. Please send your child with a nutritious snack in a clearly labeled bag. Please no soft drinks or candy. I encourage students to have a water bottle (clearly labeled) as well. This cuts down on trips to the drinking fountain and keeps them hydrated.

Our regular lunch time is from 11:25- 12:15. This includes a recess break for getting the wiggles out. Student breakfasts and lunches may be purchased online through the website (the link is on the Alta Sierra website ) or in the office. Lunch and breakfast menus are available online.
BREAKFASTS & LUNCHES must be ordered the DAY BEFORE they are needed. If your child has a change to their typical lunch schedule and needs to order one or doesn't need one for the following day, please notify the office in the morning.