

Welcome to our class web page! 


Welcome To Mrs. Cornejo's class!

We are having a terrific time getting to know each other and sharing our fabulous summer experiences. Your children have adjusted nicely to the school routine, and their eagerness for learning is amazing! It is going to be a wonderful year!
Check Weekly Posts for our most current classroom information.
I look forward to an INCREDIBLE year with you!


Thank you so much!!!  If you are receiving this e-mail you have subscribed to my web page.  Thank you!!


Regular Homework


*Read 20 minutes and record. Reading logs are due Friday.
*Practice Spelling words nightly. 
*Math- We are working in our Math Book and and using  Xtra Math facts practice on the computer.


Extra Practice with our math concepts can be found online using the ISE under "Things to Do" and Skill Sets found in the "Library", click on the "Lady in the Red Hat." You can find these helpful web based tools on Student Links under "Think Central." The children have been practicing how to access these helpful tools, so they should be able to show you how to log on to the program.


Please check over your child’s math homework daily for accuracy and completeness. Studies show students learn better when they are given the opportunity to verbalize the steps taken to solve problems. Please allow your child this golden opportunity each evening when completing the math homework to explain to you their logic on a few select problems. If you notice an error, you will be able to catch it quickly before it becomes a habit that is difficult to break. Some of the concepts may seem tricky, so please know ANY strategy you show your child that works is worth learning and sharing in math class.


Xtra Math Fact practice is expected to be completed daily for points. If your child completes facts for 5 days/week they will receive 10 points (A+) for the week, 4 days = 9 points (A-), 3 days = 8 points(B-), 2 days = 7 points(C-), 1 day = 6 points(D-).

When practicing spelling words, it  helps to break the words down into parts (syllables) and focus on the sounds of each part. 

Spelling Ideas to try at home:

  •   ABC order: Write your words in alphabetical order.
  •   Word Sort: Sort your words by vowel sounds, patterns, syllables, etc.
  •   Repetition: Write your words 3 times each
  •   Sentences: Write a sentence for each
  • spelling word.
  •   Word Art: Draw a picture and write your
  • words in the picture.
  •   Story time: Write a short story using all
  • your words.
  •   Creative Letters: Write your words by magazine and glue them on a paper.
  • cutting out letters in an old newspaper or
  •   Pyramid: Write your words adding or will be a pyramid shape of words.
  • subtracting one letter at a time. The result
  •   Good Clean Words: Write your words in surface that can be cleaned safely.
  • shaving cream on a counter or some other
  •   Handwriting: Write each word 3 times in
  • your best handwriting.
  •   Cheer your words: Pretend you are a
  • cheerleader and call out your words!
  •   Sound Words: Use a tape recorder and
  • record your words and their spelling. Then listen to your tape, checking to see that you spelled all the words correctly.
  •   Choo-Choo Words: Write the entire list end-to-end as one long word, using different colors of crayon or ink for different words.
  •   Flashwriting: In a darkened room, use a flashlight to draw letters in the air.
  •   Timer: Get a timer. Set it for 3 minutes. See how many times you can write your words before the timer goes off.
  •   Scramble: Have a parent scramble your spelling words. You unscramble them.

Chalk: Write your words outside using sidewalk chalk.

Letters: Write each word as many times as there are letters in the word.

Out loud: Spell your words out loud 2 times to a brother or sister, mom or dad.

Trace Around: Print your spelling words neatly. Take a colored pen and draw an outline around the word, closely following the shapes of the letters. Close your eyes and remember the shape.

Colorful Words: Use two different color pens to write your spelling words. Use one color to write the consonants and the other for the vowels.

Military spelling: Do jumping jacks, as you clap say a letter to spell your words.

Finger Tracing: Use your finger to spell out each of your words one letter at a time on your Mom or Dad‛s back. Then it‛s YOUR turn to feel and spell. Try to guess the word.

Practice Test: Have an adult give you a practice test.

Scratch n' Sniff: Write letters with glue on paper, and then sprinkle with Jell-O. Makes a super scratch n' Sniff when tracing over the letters.

Computer Words: Have your child type their spelling words ten times each on the computer. Use different colors and fonts and print it out!

Words-in-words: Write your word and then write at least 2 words made from each.

Snap and Spell: Snap on each letter, clap when you say the word at the end.

Create an activity: Can you think of a fun way to do your spelling activities? Try it out.









“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” Dr. Seuss



Recent Posts


Students will be tested on their spelling words on Friday. We will introduce words each Monday. Students will be expected to practice the words at home throughout the week. 

Reading Logs will go home on Fridays and will be due the following Friday. We are expecting students to read for 20 minutes and record three complete sentences summarizing what they read. Please initial each entry. For three complete entries, they will receive a B-. For four complete entries, they will receive an A-. For five complete entries, they will receive an A+. They can choose which nights to read.

The following schedule shows the consistent homework assignments for each day. There may be other assignments given. Please check the agenda daily for specific assignments.  

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice
Practice spelling words on own.

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice

Practice spelling words on own.

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice.
Practice spelling words on own.

Library book due Thursday.

Read 20 Minutes- Signed reading logs due on Friday.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice
Practice spelling words on own.





See Spirit Wear Order Link sent Separately...

Happy Thursday!


Quick reminder that our Gear Drive is still going. Pick up a shirt or hoodie today by clicking on the link sent separately. Only a few days left!  



Let's get our spirit on!!!

Mrs. Alonso
Student Council Advisor

News from Room 23

We had a wonderful week getting to know each other. It's going to be a great year!
Chromebooks went home with students today! Please sign and return the CB contract along with a fully charged CB and charging cable (just in case!) on Monday. We will begin our reading AR STAR assessment and NWEA math testing on Monday. Testing will continue through Tuesday and Wednesday. 
Chromebooks will go home daily. Please help your child charge it correctly and return the CB to class every day. 
Back to School Night will be on Thursday, August 24. The specific grade level time will go home with your child on Monday. Please look for it in their "Agenda." Daily agendas will go home listing important information and homework assignments. 
Have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to seeing our amazing class on Monday!

May 8-12, 2023 CAASPP Testing & Other Information

We will continue CAASPP Math testing on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 9 and 10. 
Our students will feel more comfortable if they are well rested and enjoy a healthy breakfast before school, arrive on time, and bring a snack for our nutrition break at recess.   
Due to state testing, we will have a different homework schedule. We will not have spelling or math homework this week. Please have your student complete a reading log to turn in on Friday. Also, Mission Boards are to be returned by Friday, May 12. Mission Extra Credit (optional) projects are due Monday, May 15. 
Science STEAM teams have been assigned and some students were asked by their teammates to bring project materials to class. Parents, please check in with your student to see if they were asked to bring something in. We will assemble our projects in class this week. Informational letters went home to parents last week. All projects will be assembled in class and on display for Open House.
Reminder...  We have our Field Trip to the James Marshall Gold Discovery Site on Thursday, May 11. It is important for your student to wear comfortable walking shoes, dress for outdoor weather, and bring a disposable lunch. (Unless a school lunch was requested on their permission slip.)
Thank you for your continued support for our classroom!

Mid-Trimester Ends Today

The mid-trimester ends today, Friday, April 21. Please check grades on PowerSchool and turn in any missing assignments. There is still time to improve your grades before they are finalized in June!

Movie Night!

Hello Alta Sierra Families,
This Friday is our Bad Guys Movie Night hosted by the Student Council to raise funds for some playground equipment. There will be popcorn and drinks for sale (and hopefully some other goodies as well). There will only be an open floor, so bring your blankets and very low chairs ONLY. Put on your jammies, bring your stuffies and get cozy. You can also bring your own food if you'd like. See attached flyer for more details. 
* If you have already signed up and are still planning on attending, there is no need to do anything more. 
* If you can no longer make it, please remove your sign-up by following the link below ASAP.
* If you'd like to come, but the event is full, please email Mrs. Alonso to get put on the list. 
Sign-Up Link: Movie Night
Email [email protected] with any questions. 

Mrs. Alonso
Student Council Advisor
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