Classroom and School Wide Rules
In order to promote a positive learning environment, students are expected to follow classroom and school rules.
Our classroom rules are:
1. Be Kind
2. Be Responsible
3. Be Respectful
We find that all desired behaviors fall under these three categories.
Schoolwide Rules:
Keep hands, feet and objects to oneself.
Remain in assigned areas.
Complete all work.
When a student chooses to behave, a range of positive rewards may be received. These rewards include:
1. Praise from the teachers
2. Self pride for doing well
3. Caught You Being Goods
4. Invitation to reward parties
5. Positive note or phone call home
6. Special privilege Earned
7. Visit With Mr. Bivens to tell him how great you are
If a student chooses to misbehave, there are a range of consequences which might be decided upon depending on the severity and repetition of the negative behavior. These consequences include:
1. Reminder
2. Warning
Our classroom rules are:
1. Be Kind
2. Be Responsible
3. Be Respectful
We find that all desired behaviors fall under these three categories.
Schoolwide Rules:
Keep hands, feet and objects to oneself.
Remain in assigned areas.
Complete all work.
When a student chooses to behave, a range of positive rewards may be received. These rewards include:
1. Praise from the teachers
2. Self pride for doing well
3. Caught You Being Goods
4. Invitation to reward parties
5. Positive note or phone call home
6. Special privilege Earned
7. Visit With Mr. Bivens to tell him how great you are
If a student chooses to misbehave, there are a range of consequences which might be decided upon depending on the severity and repetition of the negative behavior. These consequences include:
1. Reminder
2. Warning
3. Filling out a Refocus form
4. Time Out or Removal From the Group/ Refocus
5. Loss of Privilege
6. Behavior Referral
7. Phone Call Home
8. Visit With Mr. Bivens
If you have any questions or comments about any of these items, please contact me. I am looking forward to a positive, productive year with your child. Thank you so much for your help and cooperation with supporting positive classroom behavior!
4. Time Out or Removal From the Group/ Refocus
5. Loss of Privilege
6. Behavior Referral
7. Phone Call Home
8. Visit With Mr. Bivens
If you have any questions or comments about any of these items, please contact me. I am looking forward to a positive, productive year with your child. Thank you so much for your help and cooperation with supporting positive classroom behavior!