Weekly Newsletter
Welcome back!
We are off to a great start in Room 18. It was so nice to have cooler weather for the first week. It made the transition back to school a little easier.
Students were issued their chromebooks this week. As soon as the paperwork is returned they will be given a charger and allowed to take their chromebooks home. Chromebooks will be brought to and from school each day. The expectation is that they are charged and ready to use. Thank you for helping your student take care of this each day.
Next week we will begin all of our core academics. Students will have reading homework and math homework Monday through Thursday. A study sheet for 95% will be sent home each week as well. Each student was given a green homework folder and is required to write the homework in their agenda each day. Please ask to see these things each night. This will keep your students accountable.
Thursday Folder
Each Thursday a folder will be sent home. It will have any notifications from the school as well as corrected work from the week before. The work should be returned empty on Friday.
This week students completed various assessments in reading. We will continue next week with one more reading assessment as well as a math assessment. These provide me with important data so that I know how to best assist your child.
Our library day will be Tuesday. Mrs. Alonso is a great resource and helps the students to find novels at their reading level.
It has been a great week. I am thoroughly enjoying your students and getting to know them. It’s going to be a great year!
Upcoming Events
August 20. PTC Meeting - Jog-a-thon 6:00 PM
August 29. Back to School Night
September 2. Labor Day No School
September 12. Picture Day
September 13. Jog-a-thon
Good afternoon!
We finished our first full week of school! Again, I am enjoying the cooler than usual weather and am looking forward to a little taste of fall this weekend. Ask your students about our virtual visit with an engineer this week. Through the program “Skype with a Scientist” we were able to learn a little about what an Engineer does. We also had a great assembly today. We were entertained by the Grass Valley Taiko Drummers.i
Back To School Night
Back to school night is Thursday, August 29. The Fifth grade presentations is from 7:15 - 7:35. I hope that you are able to attend. I will be covering information about the fifth grade curriculum and things to expect as your student finishes up their years here at Alta Sierra. This evening is for parents and guardians only.
Student Council
Information packets were sent home today regarding Student Council elections. If your student is interested in running for office all paperwork needs to be completed by next Thursday. This is a great way for students to get involved with their school.
Spirit Wear Sales
Flyers were sent home today for our Spirit wear sales. All ordering is done online and merchandise will be sent to the school and distributed. Online sales will begin on Monday, August 26 and conclude September 16.
Homework Club
A flier was sent home regarding homework club. Homework club will begin on Tuesday, September 3. We will meet in room 18 from 2:15-3:15 on Tuesdays and Thursdays .The focus will be assisting students with their math homework, but help will be provided in other subjects as well.
Cross Country
Paperwork was sent home with students who are interested in participating in Cross Country. Practices start Wednesday, August 28. Paperwork needed to be completed and turned in to the office before your student can participate.
Our students are growing and changing, and so are their hygiene needs. Please encourage your student to bathe regularly. Some may also benefit from using deodorant.
Upcoming Events
August 26. Spirit Wear sales begin online
August 28. Cross Country Practice 2:15- 2:20
August 29. Student Council Intent to Run paperwork due
August 29. Back to School Night
September 2. Labor Day No School
September 3. Campaign Posters can be posted
September 3. Homework club begins
September 4. PTC Fundraiser at Lazy Dog
September 10. Student Council Elections
September 12. Picture Day
September 13. Jog-a-thon
Happy Friday!
It was so great to see so many of you last night. If you were not able to attend and would like to meet, please reach out to schedule a time when we can meet.
Math Link
Is the link to the website where the math videos and homework help can be found. https://embarc.online/course/view.php?id=3
Another tip is to do the zearn lesson, then complete the homework.
Homework Club
Homework club will start Tuesday, September 3. Please send back the form if you are interested so I know how your student will be getting home.
Parent Volunteers
I will be sending out emails to those who said they would like to volunteer. If there is something specific that you would like to do, please let me know.
That’s all for this week. Have an amazing three day weekend!
Upcoming Events
August 26. Spirit Wear sales begin online
August 28. Cross Country Practice 2:15- 2:20
September 2. Labor Day No School
September 3. Campaign Posters can be posted
September 3. Homework club begins
September 4. PTC Fundraiser at Lazy Dog
September 10. Student Council Elections
September 12. Picture Day
September 13. Jog-a-thon
Happy September!
I can hardly believe it is September already. The school year seems to be flying by.
Volunteers Needed
Friday, September 13 is our annual jog-a-thon. Information and pledge sheets were sent home in the Thursday Folder. I need parents to help out the day of the event. Parents are needed to tally the laps while the students are running. We will be running from 9:15-9:45. A parent is also needed to help tally the number of laps each student runs at the end of the event. Please email me if you can help out.
Elementary Band
A flier was sent home regarding band sign ups. A detailed email will be sent with additional information and a link to sign up.
Picture Day
Picture day will be Thursday, September 12. Pictures can be ordered online or money can be sent in with your student on the twelfth. All students' pictures will be taken if you do not plan on buying any photos.
Student Council Elections
Student council elections will be Tuesday, September 10. All students running for office will be giving a speech to the fourth and fifth graders. If you would like to come listen to the speeches, we will start around 1:15 in the MPR.
Coloring Contest
Nevada County Consolidated Fire is sponsoring a coloring contest. The winners will have their design displayed on a fire vehicle. Art work must be turned in by September 20. I have forms in the classroom if students are interested
Upcoming Events
September 10. Student Council Elections
September 12. Picture Day
September 13. Jog-a-thon
September 18. Student Council Meeting
September 20. Jog-a-thon pledges due
October 9 PTM meeting 6:00
October 14. Fall Break
We had a great week in room 18. Student Council elections, picture day and jog-a-thon. And the weather was amazing!
Jog- thon
All the students did a great job running as many laps as they could in 30 minutes. Congratulations to Justin and Jessie, our top boy runners, and Brookelyn our top girl runner. Students have until Friday, September 20 to collect and turn in pledges for prizes. Pledge envelopes were sent home with the students today.
And a huge thank you to all the parents who were there to cheer on our runners and tally the laps. We could not have done it without you.
We completed Module One of our math program this week. The students have until Monday afternoon to complete Module 1 (Lessons 1-16) on zearn. Monday we will be completing the end of module review to prepare for the end of Module test on Tuesday. Please help your student prepare by reviewing and completing the zearn lessons.
Hearing and Vision Screening
Next week each student will have their vision and hearing tested by our school nurse.
The cross country team will have a meet on Monday at Colfax Elementary. Good luck to all of our runners.
Have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events
September 16. Cross Country Meet Colfax
September 18. Student Council Meeting
September 20. Jog-a-thon pledges due
September 23. Cross Country Bowman
October 3 Jog-a-thon Pizza Party
October 4. Blast the Principal jog-a-thon reward
October 9 PTM meeting 6:00
October 14. Fall Break
October 24. Picture Retakes
October 31. Trunk or Treat
I can’t believe we are almost to the end of September. The cooler weather has been nice this week, but things may be warming up again next week.
Mid Trimester
Next Friday we will be half way through the first trimester. This is a good time to have your student check their progress. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, the students will be playing soccer games down on the field. If possible, have them bring an extra pair of socks and shoes to change into afterwards because the field might be wet. Absolutely no cleats! If students have shin guards, they can bring them too, but not required.
Ungraded Work
This week in the Thursday folder you should have found some writing that was not graded. We have been practicing our writing skills. Next week these assignments will be graded. The focus is to help students advance their writing by adding details and expanding sentences.
Book Fair
The book fair is coming! The Scholastic Book Fair will be occurring the week of October 7. We will visit the book fair as a class on Tuesday, October 8. More information will be sent home soon regarding this great event. Monies raised go directly to purchasing books and materials for our school library.
Upcoming Events
September 23. Cross Country Bowman
September 27. Mid trimester
October 3 Jog-a-thon Pizza Party
October 4. Blast the Principal jog-a-thon reward
October 9 PTM meeting 6:00
October 14. Fall Break
October 24. Picture Retakes
October 31. Trunk or Treat
Happy Fall!
The days are still warm but the morning and evenings have been cooler. Please remind your student to bring a water bottle each day.
BooK Fair
Information was sent home in the Thursday folder about volunteering at our school’s fall book fair. If you can spare a little time during the day I’m sure it would be appreciated. We will be going to the book fair during our library time on Tuesday, October 8.
Thank you to all the families who were able to contribute to this year’s jog-a-thon. Students who earned a pizza lunch will be rewarded on Thursday, October 3. Students who earned the privilege of dousing Mr. Bivens will be enjoying that activity on Friday, October 4 starting at 12:30. The event will take place on the field and families are welcome to come and watch.
Nevada County Spelling Bee
Is your student a super speller? Would they like to represent Alta Sierra at the county spelling bee? Interested students should let me know by Monday, September 30. All fifth grade students are eligible. They will be given a test and our top three spellers will go on to the county bee in November.
Spirit Week
Get your colored clothing ready. Student council will be sponsoring Color Week October 7-11. Each day students will wear a different color to show school spirit.
Classroom Volunteers
There are opportunities to volunteer in the classroom. I would love to have someone file papers for Thursday folders. This could be any day, Monday - Wednesday and any time. It usually takes about 45 minutes. If you would like to listen to students read orally I could use some help Tuesday - Thursday from 9:40-10:10. And if you would like to organize holiday parties, please contact me. Our first party will be on Halloween. All volunteers must be cleared by the school. Please contact the office if you need to be cleared.
Upcoming Events
October 3 Jog-a-thon Pizza Party
October 4. Blast the Principal jog-a-thon reward
October 9 PTM meeting 6:00
October 14. Fall Break
October 24. Picture Retakes
October 31. Trunk or Treat
Happy Thursday!
This weekly newsletter is arriving a day early because Mrs. Moldonaldo and I will be at a training on Friday. Please remind your students to be on their best behavior for our guest teacher.
Book Fair
The book fair is next week. Information was sent home in the Thursday folder. We will visit the book fair as a class on Tuesday at 12:30. You can send cash with your student or set up an ewallet. Look for this information in the flier that was sent home.
Book Fair Bingo
This fun event will be happening on Tuesday, October 8 from 5-6:30. Come enjoy bingo, have some snacks and maybe win a few fun prizes.
Book Reports
Speaking of books, your student should be reading a chapter book to prepare for their book report. Books need to be completed by Monday, October 28. The book reports will be written in class, but the books need to be read at home.
Color Week
Next week is spirit week. Monday wear red, Tuesday wear orange or yellow, Wednesday wear green, Thursday wear black or purple and Friday wear blue.
I will be out of town this weekend so no grades will be posted until next week. Have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events
October 9 PTM meeting 6:00
October 8-11 Book Fair
October 8. Book Fair Bingo
October 10. BMX Assembly
October 14. Fall Break
October 24. Picture Retakes
October 31. Trunk or Treat
Happy Fall Break!
We made it. It sure does not feel like fall, but we will all enjoy the week off I am sure. This is coming a day early as I will be out tomorrow. I will be celebrating my husband's 60th birthday in Las Vegas. :)
Some students have fallen behind on their zearn math. Fall break is a great time to get caught up. They should have lesson 16 of module 2 completed. It is ok to go ahead. This will give them a preview of what we will be learning in upcoming lessons.
We are finishing up our first novel. If your student has fallen behind on their cards, they can work on these at home. The questions for each chapter have been posted in the google classroom.
Book Report
Hopefully your student has found a chapter book at their AR level that they enjoy. The book needs to be completed by Monday, October 28. We will be completing a book report in class.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences will be the week of November 18. This week will be all minimum days with students going home at 12:00. Conferences will be held each afternoon. A sign Up genius will be sent out when we return from Fall Break.There will be several slots available, but if none of the times work for you, please reach out so we can schedule another time. All conferences will be in person. I am looking forward to spending time with each of you.
Student Teacher
Mrs. Moldonaldo has finished her time with us in room 18. She was a great addition to our classroom and made great connections with the students. We will miss having her with us, but luckily she is not going far. After break she will be an intern in room 13. Congratulations to her and we wish her luck in the next phase of her teaching journey.
Trunk or Treat
PTC is sponsoring “Trunk or Treat” from 4:30-6 in the Alta Sierra parking lot. Come and enjoy some trick or treating and a hot dog dinner.
We will be having a class party on Halloween. If someone wants to organize this, please reach out to me. We will be having our traditional school parade. Please remember tat costumes should not involve scary masks or any kind of weapon props. A change of clothing is encouraged so students will be comfortable during the school day.
Have a great fall break!
Upcoming Events
October 14. Fall Break
October 24. Picture Retakes
October 31. Trunk or Treat
November 11. Veterans Day - No School
November 15 - Minimum Day - 12:00 release
November 18-22. Parent Conferences - 12:00 release all week
November 27-29. Thanksgiving Holiday
Welcome back!
I hope you all had a great week off. I know I keep saying this, but where does the time go? I can’t believe we will be celebrating Halloween.
Book Reports
Next week the students will be working on book reports in class. They should have finished a novel by Monday so that they can begin their book report. This should be a book they have just completed, not one read during a previous school year.
We will be celebrating Halloween on October 31. Students can come to school in costume but should bring clothes to change into for the remainder of the day. Please remember, no scary or bloody costumes, no masks and no props at school. We will have an all school parade which will begin around 8:15. Parents are welcome to come. It will be on the upper playground.
Trunk or Treat
The Parents' Club is sponsoring a Trunk or Treat event on Halloween from 4:30-6:00. There will be free hot dogs, games and a pumpkin carving contest. If you would like to donate candy or small prizes to the event those items can be sent to the office. If you wish to participate in the pumpkin carving contest, bring your carved pumpkin to the MPR before or after school on the 31st.
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for the week of November 18. We will have minimum days all week and conferences in the afternoons. A schedule will be sent out soon. My preference is to have all conferences in person. If none of the times work for you, please reach out to me so we can schedule for another time. Communication between home and school is key for your student’s success.
Homework Club
There will be no Homework Club the week of November 18 due to parent/teacher conferences.
Enjoy the amazing fall weather!
Upcoming Events
October 31 Pumpkin Carving Contest
October 31. Trunk or Treat
November 1 Professional Development Day - No School for Students
November 11. Veterans Day - No School
November 15 - Minimum Day - 12:00 release
November 18-22. Parent Conferences - 12:00 release all week
November 18-22. Homework Club Cancelled
November 27-29. Thanksgiving Holiday
Happy November!
The weather definitely seems to be changing, cooler mornings and evenings. Make sure your student is coming to school dressed for the weather. Unless it is raining students will be outside for recess and lunch as well as PE.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
I have included a link to sign up for a parent/teacher conference. Communication between home and school is key to your student’s success. Students are welcome to join the conference if you feel that is appropriate. They can sit in for the entire conference or just part if there are things you would like to discuss without them present. I look forward to visiting with all of you in November.
Pizza Night
Support Alta Sierra PTC and feed your family. There will be a pizza night Wednesday, November 6 at Trailblazer Pizza. You can dine in or get your meal to go. 15% will go back to our school. You can call ahead to place your order 530-272-1095.
Things were a little busy on Thursday due to the Halloween festivities. If your student forgot to turn in their reading log or math homework please encourage them to turn it in on Monday.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to set your clock back on Sunday.
Upcoming Events
November 6 Trailblazers Fundraiser
November 11. Veterans Day - No School
November 13 PTC Meeting 6:00
November 15 - Minimum Day - 12:00 release
November 18-22. Parent Conferences - 12:00 release all week
November 22. Sourdough Bread Making Class. 5:30-7:00 MPR
November 18-22. Homework Club Cancelled
November 27-29. Thanksgiving Holiday
Happy Friday!
I think I have finally adjusted to the time change. I like the brighter mornings but the darker afternoons will take some getting used to.
Minimum Day Friday November 15
Next Friday will be a minimum day. Students will be released at 12:00. Teachers will use the extra time to prepare for upcoming Parent/teacher conferences.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher conferences will be the week of November 18. Students will be released at 12:00 each day. If you have yet to sign up for a conference, the link is provided below. I prefer to meet in person, but if needed we can arrange a Zoom meeting. I look forward to meeting with each of you and discussing your student’s academic progress.
Sourdough Bread Class
Are you interested in making your own sourdough bread? Join Nicole Richardson as you learn the art of breadmaking. A flier was sent home in the Thursday folder with the details. This is a class for adults only. No childcare will be provided.
Your student should have completed Module 2 in Zearn. If they have fallen behind, they have until Monday at noon to finish as many lessons as they can. All students will start module 3 on Tuesday. It is best not to fall behind as it is difficult to catch up. They should be completing one lesson each day. It is also ok to be ahead.
Enjoy your weekend and remember those who have served our country on Monday.
Upcoming Events
November 11. Veterans Day - No School
November 13 PTC Meeting 6:00
November 15 - Minimum Day - 12:00 release
November 18-22. Parent Conferences - 12:00 release all week
November 22. Sourdough Bread Making Class. 5:30-7:00 MPR
November 18-22. Homework Club Cancelled
November 27-29. Thanksgiving Holiday
Happy Friday!
I’m hoping for some great fall weather this weekend. We‘re so lucky to live in such a beautiful area. I hope you can get out and enjoy it.
Next week is parent conference week. I look forward to meeting with all of you and discussing your student’s progress. You will receive your student’s report card at conferences. All conferences are in person in my classroom, room18. If you have to have a zoom conference, let me know and that can be arranged.
Minimum Days
Next week students will be released each day at 12:00. Please plan accordingly. Homework club will resume on December 3, the Tuesday after the Thanksgiving Break.
Thanksgiving Pie
Below is a signup genius for our Thanksgiving celebration. It will be a small celebration. We will have pie or other desserts and something to drink.
Online Grades
Trimester 2 has begun. I will start posting grades after parent/conferences are over. Thank you for understanding.
Have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events
November 18-22. Parent Conferences - 12:00 release all week
November 22. Sourdough Bread Making Class. 5:30-7:00 MPR
November 18-22. Homework Club Cancelled
November 27-29. Thanksgiving Holiday
December 21-January 5 Winter Break
Happy Friday!
It was so great to meet with all of you this week. Please remember, if you have nay questions or concerns you can always send me an email.
Trimester 2
The second trimester is well underway. Due to Parent conferences I have fallen a little behind in my grading. I will have everything up to date by Monday morning. Please continue to check your student’s progress once a week. It is a great thing to do with them. You can set learning goals for the week, the month and the trimester.
Thanksgiving Dessert Celebration
On Tuesday we will be celebrating the upcoming Thanksgiving Holiday. If you would like to contribute to our celebration, please use the link below.
Movie Time
We recently finished the novel Sign of the Beaver. On Tuesday we will be watching a movie version of the book. The movie is not rated but is appropriate for fifth grade students. If you would like to preview the movie I can send you the link.
Winter Wishes
A flier was sent home regarding the upcoming Winter Wishes event. This is sponsored by our wonderful PTC. It looks like it will be a fun evening. I hope many of you will be able to attend.
I want to take this time to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you are able to spend quality time with friends and family. I am grateful to be able to work with your students every day and to work and live in this amazing
Upcoming Events
November 27-29. Thanksgiving Holiday
December 12. Winter Wishes 5-8 PM MPR
December 21-January 5 Winter Break
Happy Thursday!
This newsletter is coming to you a day early. I am off today and tomorrow to attend a family wedding in Seattle.
Math and Zearn
We are not completing the last 4 lessons in Module 3. This material does not come up on the test and it will allow us to make up little lost time. Students have all been put into Module 4 on Zearn as of today. I can’t stress enough how important it is for your student to complete the lessons on Zearn. They can be completed as they do the homework, before the lesson as a preview or after the lesson as extra practice. The Zearn lesson matches the lesson we completed that day in class. Today they need to complete the first lesson in Module 4.
MAPS Testing
Next week the students will be taking the MAPS assessment for the second time this school year. We are looking to see how much they have grown since the beginning of the year. They have all been working hard and I expect to see some amazing progress.
Holiday Giving
This year we will be participating in the Donation Day Food Drive, sponsored by Ladies Relief, a local philanthropic organization. Donation Day is a Grass Valley tradition that dates back 140 years. If you are able, please send a non-perishable food item to school. All food donations will remain local and benefit those in need during the holidays. Food items can be brought to school any time until December 19.
Holiday Spirit
Student council is sponsoring spirit week December 16-20. Monday wear your favorite holiday hat. Tuesday sport holiday colors. Wednesday wear your finest holiday sweater. Thursday is crazy holiday hair.. Wrap up the week on Friday wearing your PJs and bringing your favorite stuffed animal.
Class Holiday Party
Each year I play a fun holiday gift exchange game with the students. Please have your student bring in a wrapped gift that would be appropriate for a fifth grade boy or girl. If this is a hardship for you, please reach out to me by Friday December 13 and I will arrange for your student to have a gift.
Classroom Tree
We have a little tree in our room to help spread holiday cheer. If you wish, your student can bring an ornament from home to hang on its branches..
Winter Wishes
Our amazing PTC is putting on Winter Wishes Thursday, December 12 from 5-8 PM in the MPR. This will be a fun event for the entire family.
As things get crazy with all of the holiday events, remember to take some time to slow down and enjoy the small moments.
Upcoming Events
December 12. Winter Wishes 5-8 PM MPR
December 5-19. Donation Day Food Drive
December 19. PTC Meeting 6:00 Staff Room
December 16-20. Spirit Week
December 21-January 5 Winter Break
Happy rainy Saturday!
One more week, then we can all take a break and enjoy time with family and friends.
Holiday Party
We will be having a holiday party on Friday, December 20. We will be playing a gift exchange game. Each student will need to have a wrapped gift with a value of $5 or less. The gift should be appropriate for a fifth grade boy or girl. In the past, popular gifts were slime, candy, or small rubix cubes. If you are unable to get a gift for your student, please reach out to me early next week.
Holiday Movie
Permission slips will be coming home regarding a holiday film. These need to be returned by Friday, December 20.
Bring a mug
We will be having hot chocolate Friday morning as part of our holiday celebration. Please send your student with a mug. Travel mugs work great because they will not break.
Spirit Week
Next week is spirit week. Monday is Holiday Hat day. Tuesday wear your holiday colors. Wednesday its time to br4eak out those holiday sweaters. Thursday is holiday hair day and we will wrap it up with PJs and stuffies on Friday.
Project Lead
When we return from break we will be participating in Project Lead. This program is sponsored by The County District Attorney and the Sheriff's department. They will come each week on Fridays and teach our students about the juvenile justice system. Permission slips will be coming home. There is a link on the permission slip which will tell you more details about this program. Please feel free to reach out to me as well.
Upcoming Events
December 5-19. Donation Day Food Drive
December 19. PTC Meeting 6:00 Staff Room
December 16-20. Spirit Week
December 21-January 5 Winter Break
January 10. Project Lead
Happy New Year!
Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable two weeks off and were able to spend quality time with friends and family. My family got a little bit bigger as my daughter gave birth to our first grandchild. We are so happy and looking forward to spending some time with him soon. It is always hard to come back after vacation, but it is also nice to be in a routine.
State Reports
We will begin working on our state reports next week. The report research and writing will be done in class. If your student is absent or falls behind they may have some work to complete at home. There will be a state float project that needs to be completed at home. More details will be sent home soon, and requirements will also be posted in my google classroom.
Accelerated Reader
Progress monitors were sent home with students if they have fallen behind. Each student has a goal which needs to be met by the end of the trimester. Encourage your student to take AR tests when they finish a book.
Project Lead
Today we had our first Project Lead lesson. Students will be learning about the juvenile justice system from our Assistant District Attorney and an officer from our sheriff’s department. The program will last 10 weeks and culminate with a mock trial.
Mrs. Yoho is back!
Mrs. Yoho has finished her student teaching and is back at Alta Sierra as our amazing art docent. We completed our Square 1 art projects today. Look for information about purchasing items decorated with your student’s art. This is a great fundraiser for our art program.
Eyes in the Night
PTC is sponsoring a fun family science night on January 31 from 6-8 PM. Come learn about nocturnal animals. This free event is for the whole family. Informational flyers wer sent home in the Thursday folders.
Upcoming Events
January 15. Mid. Trimester
January 20. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
January 31. Eyes in the Night - MPR 6-8PM
February 14- 17. Presidents Day weekend - No School
February 28. End of Trimester 2 - Minimum day (12:00 release)
Happy Friday !
Can you believe we are halfway through the school year already? Time seems to be moving so quickly!
Accelerated Reader
Please make sure your student is completing the books they are reading at home and then taking the AR test. I have spoken to the powers that be and the AR window has been extended. Students can take tests at home from 6 AM until 9PM. They can also take tests on the weekends. Please take advantage of these extended hours.
Students were rewarded this week for showing growth on their NWEA assessment. Those who grew 50% or more received a gift card from In and Out. Each student received their NWEA report card. If you did not receive this or have any questions regarding your students progress, please contact me.
Just a friendly reminder to keep up with the ZEARN lessons. These lessons can be completed ahead of time or after we have completed the lesson in class. Students can also complete it while they do the homework if they need a reminder of how to complete the skill we are working on.
Work Quality
We will be focusing on turning in quality work. It is always important to do our best work. This means always answering questions with complete sentences. Written work should also have correct conventions - capitalization, punctuation, spelling and grammar. These are the grade level expectations for fifth grade.
Library Tuesday
Remind your students to bring their library books on Tuesday.
There is no school Monday to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Enjoy the extra day!
Upcoming Events
January 20. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
January 31. Eyes in the Night - MPR 6-8PM
February 14- 17. Presidents Day weekend - No School
February 28. End of Trimester 2 - Minimum day (12:00 release)
These weeks are flying by. Next week we will be celebrating the 100th day of school. I have a feeling the rest of the school year is going to fly by.
Just another reminder to have your student charge their chromebook at home. If the chromebook is not keeping a charge, please let me know so we can take care of that issue.
Accelerated Reader
Each student has a reading goal for the trimester. If your student is falling behind a progress check will be coming home next week. These need to be signed and returned. When you sign the progress check you are acknowledging that you have seen it, not that your student has caught up on their reading.
Valentines Celebration
We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Thursday, February 13. There are 22 students in our class. For ease of distributing cards it helps if they just write whom the card is from. Look for more information and a sign up genius soon.
That is all for this week. Next week I will be out on Wednesday to have dental surgery. I plan on being back on Thursday. Hope you all have a great weekend!
Upcoming Events
January 31. Eyes in the Night - MPR 6-8PM
February 14- 17. Presidents Day weekend - No School
February 28. End of Trimester 2 - Minimum day (12:00 release)
Happy Friday!
We have finally arrived at the end of January. The flu/cold has hit Room 18 hard this week. Hopefully we will all be healthy and back at school next week.
State Float Project
Boxes were sent home Thursday for the state float project. Students received instructions. If they have been misplaced, they can also be found in the google classroom.This project is to be completed at home and is due on February 20. If a student needs paper to cover their box, please have them ask me. I have plenty of construction paper in a variety of colors. You are welcome to help with this project, but the student should complete the majority of the work.
Eyes in the Night
Our wonderful PTC is sponsoring a fun family science night tonight. The event is from 6-8 and should be fun and educational.
95% Vocabulary
Each week your student receives a goldenrod colored paper with the weekly words. These are the words they will be tested on each Friday. Please help them practice these words. They have activities in Google classroom each week but this will not be enough practice. Test them on the definitions and have them practice writing the words.
AR Progress Check
If your student is falling behind, an AR progress check was sent home this week. Please make sure this form is signed and returned. Next week there will also be a slight change on the reading log. Students will be required to record the pages they are reading each night. THis way I can ensure that they are making progress and on track to finish their book.
Upcoming Events
January 31. Eyes in the Night - MPR 6-8PM TONIGHT!!
February 14- 17. Presidents Day weekend - No School
February 28. End of Trimester 2 - Minimum day (12:00 release)
Happy Friday!
I hope you are able to stay dry this weekend. I plan to stay home and watch the Super Bowl.
Universe In A Box
Thursday we created a Universe in a box as part of our science studies. Your student is supposed to use it to explain to you how they know the Earth revolves around the sun. If they have not told you about this already, please ask them about it.
Movie Permission Slip
A permission slip was sent home Thursday. We will be watching Tuck Everlasting on Thursday, February 13. THis will be the culmination of our reading unit and a great way to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Celebration
If students would like to bring valentines for their classmates, that would be wonderful. There are 22 students in our class. I find it easiest if they just write who the valentine is from and then distribution goes much quicker. I will provide popcorn and something to drink that they can have while we watch the movie.
Wear red, pink or purple
Student council is sponsoring a spirit day on Thursday, February 13. Encourage your student to wear red, pink or purple to school that day.
Golden Tickets
Over the next four weeks students will have an opportunity to earn a golden ticket. They can be earned by showing good character, strong effort and growth mindset. Only two tickets will be awarded each week. Tickets will be put into a treasure chest and on March 7 there will be a drawing for special unique prizes.
Upcoming Events
February 14- 17. Presidents Day weekend - No School
February 20 - State Float project is due
February 28. End of Trimester 2 - Minimum day (12:00 release)