Weekly Newsletter

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a relaxing summer and are ready for the new school year.  Can you believe your kiddos are fifth graders?  One more year at Alta Sierra, then off to middle school.  I hope to make this the best year ever!

Thank you for filling out the yellow card.  I took the liberty of subscribing you to my Edlio page. Once a week I will send home a newsletter.  This will have upcoming dates as well as activities we are working on in class. If you do not wish to receive these notifications, you can go to my webpage an unsubscribe.

Book Fair

The book fair is next week.  A flier was sent home on Thursday with information.  We will be going on Tuesday.  YOu can either send your child with money, or you can set up an eWallet using the QR code on the back of the flier.  

If you are available to help, please sign up.  There is a scan code for the sign up genius, or you can fill in the form that was sent home.  

Back to School Night

Back to school night will be Thursday, August 24.  The fifth grade presentation will be from 7:15-7:35.  This night is for parents only.  I will be going over the curriculum and answering any questions you may have.  I look forward to seeing you all.


Your student received a chromebook today.  They were asked to charge it over the weekend and bring it back to school on Monday.  There is a contract for you and your student to sign.  Please return the signed contract as soon as possible.  

There is no insurance available so please make sure your student is being responsible with the chromebook.  They will be bringing it to and from school daily.  If you believe this is going to be an issue, please contact me.

We have had a great first week of school.  I am enjoying your students and look forward to getting to know them better.

Have a great weekend!


Upcoming Dates

Back To School Night. August 24

Labor Day September 4

PTC Meeting. September 13

School Pictures. September 18

Jog A Thon. September 22

Parent/Teacher Conferences. October 2- 6 (all minimum days this week)

Fall Break. October 16-20


Happy Friday!

It was so great seeing so many of you last night.  I am looking forward to working with you to make this a great year for your child.


If you are interested in being a classroom volunteer, I would love some help.  If you like planning parties, I have a job for you.  I would love someone to plan our clas parties.  If you are interested, please send me an email.  

Cross Country

Cross country practice will begin on Tuesday.  Practice will be after school from 2-3:00 on the lower field.  If your student is interested in participating make sure to fill out the paperwork and turn it in to the office or bring it to practice on Tuesday.

Math Link

Below is the link to a site that will help you and your student understand the math homework.  The videos are very useful and can be viewed at your own pace.  Sometimes it is helpful to hear the instruction for a second (or third) time.  Please make sure your student is keeping current with the Zearn lessons.  They align with the lessons we are covering in class.


Counseling Services

Michelle Neeb, our school counselor, will be offering small groups at Alta Sierra.  If you think your student may benefit, please contact Mrs. Neeb.



Upcoming Dates

Labor Day September 4

PTC Meeting. September 13

School Pictures. September 18

Jog A Thon. September 22

Parent/Teacher Conferences. October 2- 6 (all minimum days this week)

Fall Break. October 16-20

Happy Friday!!!

Can you believe it is September already!  Those first few weeks of school just flew by.  It has been great getting better acquainted with this great group of students.  It is going to be a great year!

Skype with a Scientist

On Wednesday we participated in the “Skype with a Scientist” program.  Classrooms are matched with a real scientist who visits our classroom virtually and lets the students know a little bit about what they do.  We visited with Brooke, a scientist who studies specific flowers and their pollinators.  Ask your student what they remember from our visit.  She was very informative and the kids had lots of great questions for her.

Spirit Wear

Spirit wear orders are due by September 7.  Don’t miss out!


Yearbooks are currently on sale.  Many fifth grade parents purchase a yearbook for their student.  It is a great keepsake of their time at Alta Sierra.  To purchase a yearbook go to www.treering.com/validate.  Our school passcode is 101408580424957.  If you purchase by September 30 you will save 10%.

Garden Cart

The garden cart is back.  It will be at lower pick up every Thursday for the next 6 weeks.  Come get fresh produce from our school garden as well as our garden partner.  Donations are accepted.

Lazy Dog Fundraiser

Treat yourself to a delicious sweet treat while you support our amazing PTC.  On Thursday , September 6 Lazy Dog in Grass Valley will donate 10% of each purchase to our PTC.  Bring the flier between the hours of 5-7:00PM and help support our PTC.


Picture Day

Picture day will be Monday, September 18.  A flier was sent home in the Thursday folder.  You can send the form to school with your student or order online .  All students will have their picture taken even if you choose not to order pictures.

Student Council

All fifth graders are eligible to run for office and participate in Student council.  Information was sent home with students who expressed an interest in participating.  I have more forms if your student would like to participate.  The first form needs to be returned on Friday, September 8.

Don’t forget….Library is on Tuesday!

Have a great three day weekend!


Upcoming Dates

Labor Day September 4

Lazy Dog Fundraiser. September 6 5-7PM

PTC Meeting. September 13

School Pictures. September 18

Jog A Thon. September 22

Parent/Teacher Conferences. October 2- 6 (all minimum days this week)

Fall Break. October 16-20

Good Evening!

I am sorry I am getting this to you at such a late hour.  I had to have some emergency dental work done so I was out today.  I am feeling 11 times better and I am looking forward to working hard next week.

Scholastic Book Orders

Scholastic book orders were sent home in this week’s Thursday folders.  If you are interested you can order books online and use my class code WXPZ7.  You can select to have the books shipped to the school and there will be no shipping charges.  I will receive the books and send them home with your student.

Independent Reading

The students have been doing a great job with their independent reading.  I will remind them, but encourage them to take AR tests as they finish a book.  I will be talking to them next week, but we will be completing a book project on a book they have read independently at the end of the month.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be here before we know it.  I will publish a link to a sign up genius next week.  If the time slots do not work for you, please reach out to me.  I think it is important to meet with all parents.

Constitution Day

Are you interested in history and looking for something to do with your family next weekend?  There will be Revolutionary War reenactments at Pioneer Park in Nevada City on Saturday from 10-5 and Sunday from 10-12.  On Sunday there will also be a parade on Broad Street where they reenact the signing on the Constitution.  The Parade begins at 2:00.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.



Upcoming Dates

PTC Meeting. September 13

School Pictures. September 18

Jog A Thon. September 22

Parent/Teacher Conferences. October 2- 6 (all minimum days this week)

Fall Break. October 16-20

Happy Friday!

Second Friday in a row that I have had to miss, I promise this will not be a pattern.  I look forward to seeing everyone again on Monday.  I got a great note from the substitute teacher, of course.  This is a great group of students!

Picture Day

Picture day is Monday, September 18.  Information was sent home a few weeks ago.  All students will have their photo taken and you can always order photos later.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for the week of October 2.  We will be on a minimum day schedule the entire week.  I have attached a link for the Sign Up Genius.  If none of these times work for you, please let me know and I will find a time that will accommodate your schedule.


Jog-A-Thon- Volunteers Needed!

The jog-a-thon is Friday, September 22.  A flyer with information was sent home in the Thursday Folder.  This is a major fundraiser for our school and any contribution is greatly appreciated.  I need a few parents to help on the day of the event.  We will need help tallying laps during the event and totaling laps after the event.  We are scheduled to run from 9:15-9:45.  Please let me know, via email, if you can help us out on that day.

Math Practice

Automaticity of math facts will make your students’ math experience much easier.  Many students are still struggling with their facts.  If you could take a few minutes a day to practice, that would be great.  It doesn’t take long - practice in the car on the way to school, before dinner, or as you are traveling between family activities. 

It’s going to be another amazing weekend, go out and enjoy this beautiful area we live in!



Upcoming Dates


School Pictures. September 18

Jog A Thon. September 22

Parent/Teacher Conferences. October 2- 6 (all minimum days this week)

Fall Break. October 16-20

Picture Retakes. October 23

Halloween. October 31

Professional Development. November 1 No School

Veterans' Day. November 10. No School

End of First Trimester. November 17

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30


Happy Friday!

It was great to be here every day this week.  We had lots of little interruptions during the week but were still able to get a lot of learning accomplished.  The students are doing a great job staying focused.



Thank you to our parents who were able to come out and support our students today.  Pledge sheets are due next week.  Students who earn $50 in pledges will get to blast Mr. Bivens with a water gun, and those who raise $100 will be treated to a pizza lunch.  This is a great fundraiser for our school and any contribution you can make is appreciated.


Parent Conferences

Parent conferences are the week of October 2.  I have included the link to the signup genius.  If you are unable to make any of the times available, please contact me via email and we can arrange a time that accommodates both of our schedules




Book Reports

Students will be working on a book report in class the week of October 2.  Please make sure your student has completed a novel by next Friday, September 29.  One way to help them is to make a plan for reading - figure out how many days they will read and how many pages they will need to finish to reach their goal.


Facebook Page

Our PTC has a Facebook page. Use this link to stay informed about all the great things going on at Alta Sierra.                                 https://www.facebook.com/AltaSierraPTC/ or      https://www.facebook.com/groups/altasierraelementaryptc 



Volunteer Meetings

This year PTC is having volunteer meetings on the lawn in front of school on the Tuesdays prior to their Wednesday meetings. This is another way to be involved if you are unable to attend the evening meetings.


Upcoming Dates

Hearing/Vision Screening.     September 26

Parent/Teacher Conferences. October 2- 6 (all minimum days this week)

Fall Break. October 16-20

Picture Retakes. October 23

Halloween. October 31

Professional Development. November 1 No School

Veterans' Day. November 10. No School

End of First Trimester. November 17

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30



Happy Fall!

I know the first day of fall was last week, but the weather really seems to be changing.  We may even get a little rain this weekend.

Conference Week

Next week is parent conference week.  I look forward to meeting with all of you and discussing your student.  Please remember that we will be on a minimum day schedule all week.  Students will go home at 12:00.   


Please make sure our student is charging their chormebook regularly.  We use these often and I do not have the ability to charge several at once in the classroom.  

Book Reports

We will be starting our book reports in class next week.  Please make sure your student has completed a novel.  If this is a book from home, they should bring it to class next week.


Spirit Day

Friday, October 6 will be our first spirit day. Students are encouraged to wear their favorite color. Students can also participate by wearing blue or their Alta Sierra spirit wear. Thank you Student Council for organizing this fun activity!



Upcoming Dates

Parent/Teacher Conferences. October 2- 6 (all minimum days this week)

Fall Break. October 16-20

Picture Retakes. October 23

Halloween. October 31

Trunk or Treat October 31

Professional Development. November 1 No School

Veterans' Day. November 10. No School

End of First Trimester. November 17

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30

Happy Friday!

It was so great to meet with so many of you this week.  I really enjoy spending time with parents and getting to know you a little better.  We are a team, working together to help your student have the best fifth grade year possible.  Let’s keep the lines of communication open.  If you ever have any questions or concerts, please do not hesitate to reach out.


Thank you for all of the support during the jog-a-thon.  Students who received prizes were notified today. All prizes will be awarded next week.

Dress Code concerns

Some students are coming to school wearing crop tops.  Students should be wearing shirts that cover their stomach, even when their hands are raised. Please encourage your students to save their crop tops for the weekends.


Just a reminder, gum is not allowed at school. 


Look for a signup genius next week regarding Hallloween.  We will have a small celebration in class that day. We will have the school parade which usually starts around 8:30.  This will take place on the upper playground.  Parents are welcome to come and watch and take photos.  This will be your student’s last opportunity to participate in this fun, schoolwide event.  I hope to see them all in their costumes.  Remember, costumes should not be too scary or gory. All props should also be left at home.  Students should bring clothing to change into after the parade.

School Photos

School photos were sent home today with your student.  If you did not order photos there are directions on how to order them online.  

Have a great weekend.  Enjoy the surprisingly warm weather.


Upcoming Dates

Fall Break. October 16-20

Picture Retakes. October 23

Halloween. October 31

Trunk or Treat October 31

Professional Development. November 1 No School

Veterans' Day. November 10. No School

End of First Trimester. November 17

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30

Happy Friday the Thirteenth!

Hopefully you have had nothing but good luck today.  We are all lucky to have a week off to enjoy this amazing weather we have been having .  I hope you all are able to schedule some fun activities  with your kids this week.  I will be spending time with my family and will miss school on Monday, October 23.  I look forward to seeing the students again on the 24th.

County Spelling Bee

The date of the county spelling bee has been changed to Wednesday, November 15.  If you think your student may be interested, please let me know.  We have spaces for two contestants and an alternate from the fifth grade.  If we have more than three students interested we will give them a test and the three highest scoring students will represent us.  The alternate will only go if one of the other students is unable to attend.

Accelerated Reader

Please remind your student to take AR tests when they finish reading a book.  Many students have not taken any tests yet.  They should be halfway to their goal at this point in the trimester.  Encourage them to read during break if they need to catch up.

Halloween Party

We will be having an ice cream sundae bar for our Halloween party.  Please use the link to sign up if you are able. 


Picture Retakes
Picture retakes are Monday, October 23.

Have a fabulous break!



Upcoming Dates

Fall Break. October 16-20

Picture Retakes. October 23

Halloween. October 31

Trunk or Treat October 31

Professional Development. November 1 No School

Veterans' Day. November 10. No School

End of First Trimester. November 17

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a relaxing fall break.  I was really busy and almost feel as though I need a vacation to recover from my vacation.  It is good to be back.

Square One Art

Information was sent home in the Thursday folder regarding Square One Art.  There are lots of great things you can purchase adorned with your child’s artwork.  These make great gifts and keepsakes.  All the money raised goes towards our wonderful art docent program.

Nurturing Parents

The Nevada County Superintendent of Schools office is offering an 8 week parenting class.  Classes will be Thursdays from 5:30-7:30 starting November 18.  Classes will be held at Union Hill Elementary School.  The cost is $50.  Pizza and childcare are included.  For more information or to register contact [email protected].

End of Trimester 1

The first trimester will end November 17.  We have been working hard to get all assignments completed.  Please encourage your student to keep up with his/her daily work, Zearn and to read and take AR tests.  


All students are encouraged to wear their costume to school on Tuesday, October 31.  There will be an all school parade starting around 8:15.  Parents are welcome. Students should bring clothes to change into after the parade so that costumes do not get ruined.  From 4:30-6:30 the Parents’ Club is sponsoring a trunk or treat event in the lower parking lot.

November 1

There will be no school on Wednesday, November 1.  Teachers will be participating in professional development.


Upcoming Dates

Halloween. October 31

Trunk or Treat October 31

Professional Development. November 1 No School

Veterans' Day. November 10. No School

End of First Trimester. November 17

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30

Good Afternoon,

Welcome to November!  The school year seems to be flying by.  It is hard to believe we are almost a third of the way through.  


It was so fun to see all of the kids dressed for Halloween.  It was the first time in a long time that I had every student participate.  I love when the students get involved and show school spirit.  It was good to see many of you at the parade, their last one at Alta Sierra.

Veterans Day

There will be no school next Friday in honor of Veterans Day.  We will be talking about the holiday in class next week and completing a few activities.  There will be events locally to honor all those who have served our country.  

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight savings time ends this weekend.  Don’t forget to set your clock back one hour. Enjoy that extra hour of sleep!

My Life Online

Next week the district will have a presentation regarding internet safety.  This is important information for all parents.  Please consider attending this event. Click on the link below for more information.




Upcoming Dates

My Life Online November 8

Veterans' Day. November 10. No School

End of First Trimester. November 17

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30


Happy Thursday!

I am looking forward to a three day weekend.  The weather should be great for some afternoon outside activities.

Guest Chef

On Monday our class participated in the Guest Chef program provided by Sierra Harvest.  The students made apple/pear sauce with aronia berries.  They enjoyed making the sauce and most also liked the apple/pear sauce.  If you would like to make more at home, there is a recipe in your student’s Thursday folder.

Square One Art

Tomorrow is the deadline to order your square one projects.  All monies raised will benefit our fabulous art docent program.


Our wonderful PTC is sponsoring a pizza fundraiser at Trailblazers.  There is a coupon in your student’s Thursday folder.  Trailblazers will donate 15% to the school on all orders made on Wednesday, November 15.  Support our school and enjoy a pizza dinner.

Some weekend homework

Normally there is no homework on the weekend.  A few students need to finish some coloring or a reading worksheet.  I apologize for any problems this may cause.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing the kids on Monday.


Upcoming Dates

Veterans' Day. November 10. No School

Minimum Day November 17- school out at noon

End of First Trimester. November 17

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30

Good afternoon!

I can’t believe we are a third of the way through the school year.  The time seems to be flying by.

Math Test

We will be taking the end of module 2 math test on Monday.  This will be the final grade in math for the first trimester.  We completed a practice test in class today.  Students were told to bring this home.  The test Monday will have the exact same format with different numbers.  


Because of the short week next week, we will not have 95%, grammar or reading logs.  We will continue with these the week after Thanksgiving.  Please look for 95% study sheets that will b e coming home on Mondays.  This will allow your student to prepare for the test on the weekly words.  There will also be a word wall game in their google classroom that they will need to complete each week.  

Super Spellers

Congratulations to Makayla and Cruz.  They represented Alta Sierra at the County Spelling Tournament on Wednesday.  They both did a phenomenal job and I was proud to have them representing our school.

Art Contest Winner

Congratulations go out to NIco.  His artwork will be proudly displayed on the fire engine stationed in Alta Sierra.  The art will be displayed for one year.

Classroom Tree

After Thanksgiving I will be bringing in a small Christmas tree.  If students wish, they may bring one ornament from home to hang on the tree.  Allornamnets will be sent home on the last day before the Christmas break.

Holiday Gift Exchange

We will be having a holiday gift exchange on the last day before break.  We will be playing a game in order to exchange gifts.  If your student wishes to participate, please send in a wrapped gift that cost no more than $5.  The gift should be appropriate for a boy or a girl.  Things like gel pens, candy, and rubix cubes are always a hit.  If you are unable to participate please let me know and I will make sure everyone has a gift to exchange.

I want to take this time to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving.  I am so thankful to have a job I truly love.  I have the pleasure of working with great kids and amazing families.  I hope you all have a wonderful holiday surrounded by family and friends. 



Upcoming Dates

Thanksgiving Holiday.       November 22-24

Report Cards sent home. November 30

Winter Wishes. December 14 5-8

Minimum Day. December 22

Winter Break. December 23- January 7

MLK Holiday. January 15

Eco Heroes Assembly. January 26

Welcome to December!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  I know I really enjoyed my time with family and friends, and the weather was amazing!  I'm ready for three great weeks of learning before the winter break.


After taking a break we are back to weekly 95% lessons.  The material has become more challenging so more support is being provided.  Each week a study sheet will be sent home on Monday.  It explains what we will be studying for the week.  Most importantly it also has the weekly words and their definitions. There will also be a game to play in the google classroom.  


We have started our study of fractions.  We will begin  by using models to help our understanding of fractions and eventually we will be working with the standard algorithm.  I know it is tempting to just show them the algorithm, but please trust the process and let them come to understand it through discovery.

The Holidays

Our little Christmas tree is up.  If your student wants to bring in an ornament to decorate the tree they are more than welcome.  For those who like to plan ahead, we will be playing a gift exchange game on Friday, December 22.  If your student wishes to participate please send in a wrapped gift that costs $5 or less.  If you would like to participate but are unable to get a gift, please let me know so I can pick something up.


Please make sure your student is staying current on ZEARN.  They should be completing one lesson each night.  Everyone was placed into module 3.  We have already completed lessons 1-4.  As your student reads independently, encourage them to take the AR test so that they can reach their goal for the trimester.


The Garden

We are so lucky to have an amazing garden docent. Wednesday we moved a little dirt to fill a new garden bed. We then learned about why popcorn pos and ate popcorn that was harvested from our garden. What a treat!

Remember, Santa is watching!


Upcoming Dates

Winter Wishes. December 14 5-8

Minimum Day. December 22

Winter Break. December 23- January 7

MLK Holiday. January 15

Eco Heroes Assembly. January 26

Happy Friday!

Brrrrrrrr! The weather has definitely changed this week.  Please be sure your student is coming prepared for the colder weather.  

Sign of The Beaver

We finished our second novel study for the year.  On Monday we will be watching a film adaptation of the book.  The movie is unrated and would be comparable to watching a Hallmark film.  If you have questions or concerns, let me know and I can send you the link. The students do not know we are watching the movie.  It’s a surprise.

Holiday Party

We will be having a holiday party on Friday, December 22.  Please have your student bring a gift valued $5 or less.  We will be playing a game and everyone will go home with a gift.  

Donation Day Parade

Please have your student bring in 1 can/box of unexpired non perishable food for our Donation Day Parade on Thursday, December 21. All food donated will support local families during the holiday season.  Food can be brought to school any time between now and December 21.

Spirit Week

Student Council will be sponsoring a Spirit Week the week of December 18-22.  Check your child’s agenda or the notice that was sent home this week for the details.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Upcoming Dates

Winter Wishes. December 14 5-8

Spirit Week. December 18-22

Donation Day Parade. December 21

Minimum Day. December 22

Winter Break. December 23- January 7

MLK Holiday. January 15

Eco Heroes Assembly. January 26

 Friday already???!!!

This week seemed to fly by.  One more hectic week, then we all get some much needed and deserved time off with family and friends.

Spirit Week

Student council is sponsoring spirit week. Encourage your student to join in. Monday: Silly sock day, Tuesday: Crazy sweater/Jacket day Wednesday: Hat Day, Thursday: Character Day and Friday: Pajama Day.

Donation Day Parade

Please send in a box or can of unexpired food for our Donation Day Parade.  The parade will take place on Thursday.  This is a long standing Grass Valley tradition.  It is a great way to get into the spirit of giving this holiday season.

Project Lead

Permission slips were sent home in Thursday folders for Project Lead.  This program teaches the students about the judicial system.  The instructors are from the District Attorney's office and our local sheriff’s department.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me or check out the resources on the website below. We will begin these lessons on Friday, January 19.  


Book Club

Mrs. Alonso, our wonderful librarian, will be offering a book club during lunchtime on Tuesdays.  Permission slips were sent home last week.  Books will be sent home Friday, December 22.

Holiday Party

Please have your child bring a wrapped gift worth $5 or less.  The gift should be appropriate for a boy or a girl.  We will be playing a fun game and everyone will come home with a gift.  If for any reason you are unable to purchase a gift, please let me know.


Minimum Day Friday, December 22

School will release at noon on Friday, December 22.



Upcoming Dates


Spirit Week. December 18-22

Donation Day Parade. December 21

Minimum Day. December 22

Winter Break. December 23- January 7

MLK Holiday. January 15

Project Lead. January 19

Eco Heroes Assembly. January 26

Welcome back!

I hope you all had a wonderful winter break and are ready for the new year.

Student Teacher

For the next few months we are fortunate to have a student teacher in our classroom.  Mrs. Rousfull will be joining us on Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursdays.  She will be observing, supporting student learning and teaching lessons.  Please encourage your student to make her feel welcome in our classroom.

NWEA Growth Awards

Many students came home today with In n Out gift cards.  They received these because of the growth they achieved on this assessment.  To earn the award they had to grow 50% or more on this nationally normed assessment.  Though this is only one measure given on one day it was great to see many of our students continue to grow. Great job!

Poetry Award

Before the brak students wrote holiday poems.  Many decided to submit their poems to The Union poetry contest,  This contest was open to all 4th and 5th grade students.  Brinley Baker’s poem, “If I Were A Gift” won second place.  Brinley’s poem was printed in the newspaper and she received a gift card to Ben Franklin.  Good job, Brinley!

Upcoming Events

Students will begin working on a speech next week.  The topic is “My biggest concern for the future is ….”  Two  fifth graders will be selected  to represent Alta Sierra at the county speech tournament in March. The county math competition will be in February and will be participating in Project Lead starting next week.  Lots of great stuff to look forward to!

Happy Friday!

Well, it feels like winter has arrived this week.  Please make sure your student comes to school dressed for the weather.

Stop, Think, Choose

For the next three weeks students will be encouraged to “Stop, think, and choose” before they act.  Students can earn tickets for acting correctly and are then eligible for a prize.

PTC Spring Fundraiser

Join the PTC to help plan the Spring Fundraiser.  There will be a meeting on Wednesday, January 17 at 6:00. Snacks will be provided.  Come help plan the biggest fundraiser of the year.

Enjoy your extra day off and I look forward to seeing the kids on Tuesday.


Upcoming Dates

MLK Holiday. January 15

PTC Meeting. January 17

Project Lead. January 19

Eco Heroes Assembly. January 26

Happy Friday!

It was so great to see the sun this afternoon.  Hopefully you will be able to spend some time outside enjoying the great weather.

A Bag of Dirt

Did you find a bag of dirt in your student’s backpack on Wednesday?  Actually, it is soil and attached are a packet of seeds and instructions on how to grow microgreens.  They are easy to grow and packed full of nutrients.  Thank you, CoCo, for this fun project to do at home.

Project Lead

Today we had our first Project Lead presentation.  The students were engaged and enjoyed hearing about the legal system.  They learned about the different roles people play in the courtroom.  They are looking forward to the upcoming lessons.


Magnolia Counselor Visit

Next Thursday afternoon the counselor form Magnolia will be here. She will be talking to students about middle school and helping yhem register for classes for the 24/25 school year. We will register all the students, even if there is a chance they may be going elsewhere for middle school.

Zearn and AR

Please make sure your student is completing zearn nightly and taking AR tests as they finish reading.  The zearn lesson should match the lesson we completed in class.  They should be working on lesson 9.  

Valentines Day

We will be having a Valentines celebration.  If your student would like to pass out valentines please make sure that they make one for each student in the class.  We currently have 22 students in our class.

Have the best weekend ever!



Upcoming Dates

Magnolia Counselor January 25

Eco Heroes Assembly. January 26

Guest Chef. February 12

Presidents Day February 16-19

End of Second Trimester. March 1




Happy Saturday!

I hope you are all outside enjoying the great weather.  It looks like we may have some more rain next week.  Please be sure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather of the day.

Parent Volunteer Needed

We would like to have a parent volunteer on February 12 to help during our guest chef visit.  We would need your help from 11: 10 until about 12:00.  If you can help, please let me know.

Moon Phases

As part of our science unit students will be tracking the moon phases this month.  They have a chart that can stay at home .  It will not be collected until the end of the month.  Please remind them to fill this in each evening.  We started on Thursday, which was a full moon.  If it is too cloudy or they forget to check, they can always look up the information online.  Here is a helpful website. https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/phases/

Magnolia Registration

Mrs. Creighton, the counselor from Magnolia Middle School was on campus Thursday to speak to the kids about transitioning to middle school.  Each student was given a packet that needs to be filled out and returned by Wednesday. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to email me.  Please fill out and return the paperwork even if you may be considering other middle school options for next year. 


Just a friendly reminder, gum is not allowed at school.  Please make sure it is left at home.


Have a great weekend!


Upcoming Dates


Guest Chef. February 12

Presidents Day February 16-19

End of Second Trimester. March 1

Happy Groundhog Day!

So I heard Phil did not see his shadow, maybe we will have an early Spring.  Either way, I am enjoying the rain, and we sure do need it.  It will be a great weekend to sit by the fire and read a good book!

Valentine’s Party

We will be celebrating Valentine's Day on Wednesday, February 14.  Students can bring in individual Valentine’s for their classmates.  Please be sure to send one Valentine for each student.  They just need to write who the Valentine is from.  This will make it easier to pass out the cards.  We will be decorating cookies and opening our Valentines.  If you wish to contribute to the party, please sign up using the attached link.


Love and Logic Parenting Classes

Free parenting classes will be offered on Thursdays, March 7 through April 18 at Alta Sierra.  Classes will be held in room 11.  Childcare and dinner will be provided.  Contact Rebekah Hartung with any questions and to registar.  [email protected] or (530)268-2808 ext 211.

News from the  Counselor

In February and March, Mrs. Neeb  will be running two groups at school.  The Stress Busters Group will help students manage worried feelings and teach them to plan ahead.  There will also be a friendship group that will build skills in making and keeping friends.  If your student would like to be involved, contact Michelle Neeb, [email protected], or (530)205-5376.

Second Trimester

We have one more month in the second trimester.  Please sit with your student and check their progress. Have them sign in to their Zearn account and their AR account.  They should have completed lesson 16 in Zeran and they should have 60% of their AR goal complete.

Enjoy the weekend and get ready for another rainy week.

Upcoming Dates

Harvest of the Month.  February 6

Guest Chef. February 12

Presidents Day February 16-19

End of Second Trimester. March 1

Daylight Savings Time.   March 10


The week got off to a rough start, but we made it!  I hope that you are all safe and warm with your power restored.


I know that many students were unable to keep up with zearn this week due to the power outage.  Please have your student do their best to get back on track next week.  They have been given more class time to work on it this week.


Because of the shortened weeks we will be completing two weeks of 95% lessons over the next three weeks.  The test for week 20 will be on Tuesday.  Study sheets have been sent home and students can get extra practice with the weekly words by completing the word wall activity in their Google Classroom.

Valentines’  Celebration

Thank you to those who have signed up to bring items for our valentines' party.  If you would still like to sign up, please use the link to the sign up sheet.  If your student is bringing valentines’ to exchange, please be sure they bring one for everyone.  We have 22 students in our class.


Tuck Everlasting

We will be finishing our novel study on Tuck Everlasting on Monday or Tuesday of next week.  A permission slip was sent home regarding watching the film.  It is rated PG.  If you would like to preview it you can find it on Paramount and Disney +.

No More Hoods in Class

I spoke to the students  today and they will no longer be allowed to wear their hoods in class.  Hats are fine, but the hoods have become a distraction and a way for them to hide. This is good practice for middle school where neither hats nor hoods are allowed on inside.

Have a great weekend and have fun watching the Super Bowl!


Upcoming Dates

Guest Chef. February 12

Valentines Celebration. February 14

Presidents Day February 16-19

End of Second Trimester. March 1

Daylight Savings Time.   March 10

Happy Thursday!

THis was such a busy week!  We had our kindness week activities, Valentine’s Day, and an extra day off.  Despite all the fun, we still managed to get a lot done.

Guest Chef

Monday we made veggie rainbow rolls with our guest chef.  This fabulous program is sponsored by the people at Sierra Harvest.  The students all really enjoyed the spring rolls.  Recipes came home in their Thursday folders so you can make more at home.  And a special thanks to the parents who were able to come help.

Valentine’s Party

Thank you to everyone who sent in supplies for our class party.  The kids enjoyed the cookies and also had lots of other treats to snack on.  We watched “Tuck Everlasting” and learned that sometimes the movie is very different from the book.

Moon Observation Chart

Your student’s moon observation should be complete this weekend.  I will get the completed charts next week and we will use them in our upcoming lesson about the moon phases.

Constellation in a Box

Today’s science lesson we learned a little about the constellations.  Ask your student to share their constellation in a box with you.  Have them explain why we can see Orion now but we won't be able to see it in the summer.

Magnolia Counselor Visit

Next week the Magnolia counselor will be returning  to assist students with registration for next school year.  They will be entering the classes that they selected on their elective form. 

End of the Trimester

The trimester ends on Friday, March 1.  This is a great time to check for any missing work.  


Have a great 4 day weekend!


Upcoming Dates

Presidents Day February 16-19

End of Second Trimester. March 1

Daylight Savings Time.   March 10


Happy Friday!

Why is it that these short weeks seem so long?  It was great to see the sunshine today.  Hopefully it sticks around for the weekend.

Class Registration

Students registered for classes at Magnolia on Thursday.  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  If your student was absent or did not have their chromebook, I will help them register next week.


Students will be presenting their speeches next week.  The plan was to return their speeches to them today, but that did not happen.  We will practice speeches in class on Monday and begin presentations on Tuesday.  


All students should be reading a biography.  They will be completing a project and making a class presentation.  More information will be provided next week regarding this project.

Minimum Day Friday

Friday, March 1 is a minimum day.  Students will be released at 12:00.  Please make sure to plan accordingly.  

End of the Second Trimester

Friday is the last day of the second trimester.  All work needs to be turned in before Friday.  

Have a great weekend!


Upcoming Dates


Minimum Day.               March 1

End of Second Trimester. March 1

Reading Raffle. March 1-21

Daylight Savings Time.   March 10

Spring Vacation. March 25-31


I can’t believe that two-thirds of the school year is finished!  The time is going so quickly, and there is still soooooo much to do!  I know these last 12 weeks are going to be fabulous!

Fifth Grade Health Class

Notices were sent home Thursday regarding fifth grade health class. The notice explains the content of the class and provides a link to the content that will be covered.  The form only needs to be returned if you DO NOT WANT YOUR CHILD TO PARTICIPATE. 

Parents’ Club Newsletter

The Parents’ Club will be sending home a monthly newsletter to make sure everyone is infomed.  This is a great way to know about the exciting things happening at Alta Sierra.

Reading Raffle

The Higgin Diggins Lions Club is sponsoring our schoolwide reading raffle again this year.  Students can earn a ticket for each AR quiz they take in their reading zone.  One student at each grade level has the opportunity to win a $50 gift certificate.  There are many non fiction books that are shorter in their reading levels if they are interested in earning a lot of tickets. New AR goals and levels will be assigned on Monday.

Losing The Training Wheels

During the last trimester I will be a little more strict with time spent on assignments, late work, and “No Name” papers.  Students will be given a reasonable amount of time to complete an assignment in class.  Late work will only be accepted for a week after the assignment, unless a student has been out due to illness.  No name papers will be thrown away.  I want all students going to middle school with the habits and tools that will help them to be successful.

Hopefully we can all stay dry and warm this weekend!



Upcoming Dates

Reading Raffle. March 1-21

Daylight Savings Time.   March 10

Report Cards Home. March 14

Anime Day. March 22

Spring Vacation. March 25-31

School in Session. April 1

Happy Friday!

This has been a great week of learning in Room 18.  I am so glad the weather is cooperating so we can all enjoy the weekend.

Help Needed!

Sunday, April 14 the parents club is sponsoring a school carnival.  Our class will have a game and a basket.  We will need parent volunteers to work at our booth.  A signup genius will be sent out soon.  We also need to put together a themed gift basket.  If you have any ideas for our basket, please let  me know.

Event Flyer.jpg

Young Art

Art created by our students is currently being displayed at the Rood Center.  This is art created under the direction of our amazing Art Docent, Susie Yoho.  If you have time, go check it out.  There will be an Open House next weekend.  The details are in the attached flier.

YOUNG AT ART single 2024.pdf

Talent Show

The student council is sponsoring a talent show on April 17.  See the attached flier for details.

Alta Sierra Eementary’ (1).pdf

Field Trip

Permission slips were sent home in the Thursday folder for our field trip on Wednesday, April 10.  Please make a note that we will not be returning to school until 2:30.  If your student normally rides the bus home other arrangements will be needed.

Have an amazing weekend, and don’t forget to set those clocks forward.


Upcoming Dates

Reading Raffle. March 1-21

Daylight Savings Time.   March 10

Report Cards Home. March 14

Young Art at The Rood Center

Anime Day. March 22

Spring Vacation. March 25-31

School in Session. April 1

Talent Show Try outs. April 8

Field Trip. April 10

School Carnival. April 14

Talent Show. April 17


Happy Friday!

Boy, the time change really did a number on me.  This week seemed sooooo long!

Pi Day

Yesterday we had a fun time investigating Pi.  Students wrote some Pi poetry, worked in groups to calculate the area and circumference of various circles and completed a Pi skyline for homework.  And of course, we enjoyed some pie.

Art Docent

Today students finished their printmaking lesson with Mrs. Yoho.  The pictures turned out great!  Stop by next week and take a peek.

Alta Sierra Carnival

Please plan on attending the Alta Sierra Carnival.  We will have a game and need volunteers to work half hour shifts.  Students can work with a parent.  It should be a fun day.  I have attached a link to the signup genius.


Health Class

Health class will be next Tuesday.  This class will be taught by our district nurse.  

States and Capitals

Thank you for helping your students study for the states and capitals tests.  We will be taking a test each Friday.  They will be tested on the states in groups of ten and take a final test on all 50 in April.  We will spend some time practicing in class, but additional time will be needed at home.  Flashcards are a great way to study.  There are also tools they can use in their google classroom.

Sixth Grade Science Camp

I will be sending an email regarding sixth grade science camp.  Camp will now be in the fall.  There will be a Zoom meeting in April to introduce you to the camp and go over paperwork.

Empty 2 liter bottles

If you have any empty 2 liter soda bottles I would really appreciate it if you sent them to school.  I could use a few for a science activity next week.


Upcoming Dates

Reading Raffle. March 1-21

5th Grade Health Class. March 19

Young Art at The Rood Center

Anime Day. March 22

Spring Vacation. March 25-31

School in Session. April 1

Talent Show Try outs. April 8

Field Trip. April 10

School Carnival. April 14

ZOOM Science Camp Meeting. April 16

Talent Show. April 17

Happy Friday!

This has been a great week.  Lots of good weather and productive learning.

Alta Sierra Talent Show

Show off your hidden talent at the Alta Sierra Talent show.  If your student is interested in trying out, permission slips are due April fifth.  They were sent home in the Thursday folder last week.  If you need a new permission slip, please check with the office.  Tryouts will be April 8th.  

School Carnival

Volunteers are still needed for our game at the school carnival.  This would be a great way for your student to give back to our school community.  Please see the link below for available times.

State Reports

When we return from break we will be starting our state reports.  Have your student think of three states they would be interested in researching.  They may select any state except California.  

Track and Field

Information was sent home today regarding the track and field program.  This is a great opportunity for our fourth and fifth graders.  Details are in the flier.  

Have an amazing week off and I  look forward to seeing everyone April 1 (and that’s no joke, there really is school April1.)


Upcoming Dates


Young Art at The Rood Center

Spring Vacation. March 25-31

School in Session. April 1

April 1 - May 24. Track and Field

Talent Show Try outs. April 8

Field Trip. April 10

School Carnival. April 14

ZOOM Science Camp Meeting. April 16

Talent Show. April 17

What a crazy week!  Beautiful sunny days followed by cold snowy weather.  Welcome to Spring in Nevada County!

Field Trip Wednesday

On Wednesday we will be traveling to Sacramento to visit the Aerospace Museum.  This is a fun hands on field trip that I think all of the students will enjoy.  We do not need any more parent volunteers.  Parents are always welcome to join us.  There is a $10 entry fee.  Please send your student with a sack lunch.  We will eat lunch after our tour at the park near the  museum.  We will be returning to school at 2:30 so please make arrangements for student pick up.

School Carnival

Sunday, April 14 will be the Alta Sierra SChool Carnival.  We still need volunteers for our booth.  Please sign up on the signup genius.  I will be there all day, so feel free to sign up your student to work.  I will gladly supervise them.

State Reports

We will be starting our state reports next week.  These will be researched and written at school.  Next week they will be getting information about creating a float to represent their state.  These will be made at home and brought into class and presented.  If you are unable to supply materials, please let me know.

Spring Photos

Information was sent home regarding Spring Photos.  All students will have their photo taken even if you are not planning to purchase photos.  Spring Pictures are Thursday, April 18.

I hope you all have an amazing weekend, whatever the weather brings.



Upcoming Dates


Young Art at The Rood Center

April 1 - May 24. Track and Field

Talent Show Try outs. April 8

Field Trip. April 10

School Carnival. April 14

ZOOM Science Camp Meeting. April 16

Talent Show. April 17

Happy Friday!

What a great week!  I really have been enjoying the great weather we had in the beginning of the week.  

School Carnival

This week is the school carnival.  I would l;ove to see you all there.  The event is from 1-4 on Sunday, April 14.  There will be carnival games, food and drinks, and a live and silent auction.  Our class has a booth.  If you ar your student can help out, it would be greatly appreciated.  I will be there, so feel free to drop off your student to work a shift.  I have attached the signup genius link so you can see which time slots need to be filled.

State Float

Information has been sent home regarding the state float project.  This project is to be completed at home.  If your student needs a box, please let me know by next week. The float is due May 10.  If you have any questions or concerns, please email me .

States and Capitals Test

 Next week the states and capitals test will be on Thursday, April 18.  There is no school on Friday due to the professional development day.

Science Camp ZOOM

Mark your calendars.  There will be a ZOOM meeting regarding science camp on April 16.  Science camp will be held in the fall next year,  This ZOOM will introduce you to camp and go over paperwork.

I hope to see you at the carnival!


Upcoming Dates


Young Art at The Rood Center

April 1 - May 24. Track and Field

School Carnival. April 14

Mushroom Farmer Visit -- April 16

ZOOM Science Camp Meeting. April 16

Track Meet - Cofax High School. April 17

Talent Show. April 17

Spring Pictures April 18

PD Day No School -- April 19

Happy Thursday!

Wow!  We had a busy week, and beautiful weather!  I hope you are all able to get outside and enjoy your extra day off.

Sixth Grade Science Camp

Important information was sent home today regarding sixth grade science capm.  Camp will be in the fall next year.  A payment of $100 dollars is due by May 17, 2024 to reserve your student’s spot. PLease send your payment plan option sheet and your $100 deposit to school .  We will deliver the payments and paperwork to Magnolia.  

The ZOOM meeting was recorded and I will send you the link as soon as I receive it.  I hope all of your students are able to attend camp.  I have been 20 times and it is a great experience.

Volunteers Needed

If you would like to help with the planning of the fifth grade end-of-the-year barbecue please let me know.  This is a fun day for students and parents.  It is scheduled for Wednesday, June 5 from 11:30- 1:30.

Mushroom Farmer

Tuesday we had a visit from a local mushroom farmer.  The students learned all about mushrooms and how they are grown.  He left us our own mushroom growing kit.  Hopefully we will have a harvest of oyster mushrooms in a few weeks.  This was all arranged by our wonderful garden docent and Sierra Harvest.

Talent Show

We had a great time at the talent show on Wednesday.  We were entertained by many brave students.  Thank you to student council and Mrs. Alonso for organizing this fun activity.

Casa Katarinas

The Alta Sierra PTC is having a fundraiser at Casa Katerinas on Thursday, April 25 from 3:30-8:30.  You can dine in or get your food to go.  Skip cooking and help support our school.



Upcoming Dates


Young Art at The Rood Center

April 1 - May 24. Track and Field

April 25 - Casa Katarinas 3-8:30

May 8 - PTC Meeting

May 13-17.    Book Fair

May 16.     Open House

May 27.     Memorial Day - no school

May 28.     Emergency Day  - no school

June 4.     Fourth and Fifth Grade Field Day

June 5.      Fifth Grade Barbecue

June 6.      Last day of school

Welcome to spring!

The weather this week has been so crazy.  If you don’t like it, just wait 5 minutes and it will change.  Hopefully we have some warmer weather on the way.

State Float

State float projects are due May 10.  Hopefully your student has started thinking about this project.  This project is to be completed at home.  If you need construction paper, glue or a shoebox, please let me know.  Directions for the project can be found in the google classroom under the social studies tab if they have misplaced the paper copy.

State Testing

State testing is fast approaching.  Please make sure chromebooks are charged.  Also, if you are able to get inexpensive earbuds or headphones for your student to have at school that would be wonderful.  I will have earbuds that they can purchase for $1.  Due to the recent cases of head lice, I do not think sharing headphones is a good idea.


We have about 5 more lessons to complete in our math program and then we will begin reviewing for state testing.  Students will be bringing home packets of review questions, not the blue covered books.  Students should also be finished with Module 5 of zearn.  The last day to work on Module 5 will be Monday.

Science Camp Forms

Keep sending in those science camp forms and deposits.  The first payment is due May 17.  If you have any questions, email Vivian McKnight at [email protected].  She will be gone the week of May 13, so be sure to contact her before that date.

Small glass jar

Please send a small glass jar to school with your student for an art project.  The jar should be clean and have a smooth surface.  It does not have to have a lid.  I will show the students an example on Monday, but a jar that marinated artichokes comes in would be perfect.

Principal’s Day Wednesday

In honor of principal’s day we are asking that all students wear a tie to school on Wednesday.


Upcoming Dates


Young Art at The Rood Center

April 1 - May 24. Track and Field

May 1. Principal's Day - wear a tie

May 7.  Zoom with an author

May 8 - PTC Meeting

May 13-17.    Book Fair

May 16.     Open House

May 17.    Science Camp down payment due

May 27.     Memorial Day - no school

May 28.     Emergency Day  - no school

June 4.     Fourth and Fifth Grade Field Day

June 5.      Fifth Grade Barbecue

June 6.      Last day of school

It’s May!  I cannot believe there are only a few weeks left in the school year.  The last half of the year has flown by.


We will be taking a break from our regular math program to review skills needed for the upcoming CAASP test.  This is a great time for your student to catch up on their Zearn.  They just need to finish lesson 6 in module 6.

Science “snacks”

Students will be working in groups of two or three to complete a science “snack”.  This is a small science experiment they will complete and explain.  Snacks were selected this week. The list of snacks can be found in the google classroom. There may be a few things they need to bring from home.  They should be talking to you about this this weekend.  We will start working on our snacks this week.  I will be providing the tri folds for each group. 

State Floats

State floats are due next Friday.  Hopefully your student has started working on this.  Directions can be found in the google classroom.  A few floats have already been turned in and they look great!

Author Chat

Thanks to Mrs. Alonso, our terrific librarian, each student received a copy of The Two-headed Chicken.  Next Tuesday at 10:30 we will be participating in an author chat. Our class has been selected to be a spotlight classroom and three of our students will be able to ask questions during the Zoom.  This should be a lot of fun. 

Book Fair

Volunteers are need for the spring Book Fair.  Information was sent home in the Thursday folder.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Science Camp Down Payment

Just a reminder, the science camp dwn payment is due May 17.


Upcoming Dates


Young Art at The Rood Center

April 1 - May 24. Track and Field

May 7.  Zoom with an author

May 8 - PTC Meeting

May 13-17.    Book Fair

May 16.     Open House

May 17.    Science Camp down payment due

May 27.     Memorial Day - no school

May 28.     Emergency Day  - no school

June 4.     Fourth and Fifth Grade Field Day

June 5.      Fifth Grade Barbecue

June 6.      Last day of school

Happy Friday!

I can’t believe we only have 3 more Fridays left in the school year!  The weather seems to be changing and it is starting to feel a lot more like summer.

95% Celebration

Today we celebrated the completion of our 95% phonics program.  30 weeks of phonics instruction.  We will fill that time with novel studies and a little more writing.  

Author ZOOM

Thanks to Mrs. Alonso our class was able to Zoom with Tom Angleberger, the author of The Two-Headed Chicken.  We were a spotlight class so a few students were selected to ask questions during the Zoom meeting.  It was interesting to hear from an authour and learn what inspired him to write this book.  


Students brought home plants on Thursday.  We planted these with our amazing garden docent, Coco.  These plants will grow to be 5-7 feet tall and will bloom all summer.  

Book Fair

Next week we will go to the book fair on Tuesday during our regular library time.  Students can bring cash or you can set up a digital wallet for them to use.  Information was sent home in the Thursday folder.  If they forget their money on Tuesday they can go to the book fair during recess or the night of open house.

Open House

Open House will be Thursday, May 16.  Food trucks will be on site at 5:00.  Classrooms will be open from 6-7.  I hope to see many of you there.

Science Snacks

All materials for science snacks need to be at school on Monday.  Please reach out to me if you have any questions about this project.

Have a wonderful weekend and happy mother’s day to all!



Upcoming Dates


May 13-17.    Book Fair

May 16.     Open House

May 17.    Science Camp down payment due

May 27.     Memorial Day - no school

May 28.     Emergency Day  - no school

June 4.     Fourth and Fifth Grade Field Day

June 5.      Fifth Grade Barbecue

June 6.      Last day of school

We are in the home stretch!  This year has just flown by.  I can’t believe we only have 7 school days remaining!  

Spirit Days

Next week there will be three spirit days.  Wednesday is beach/Hawaii day.  Thursday is Twin day or dress in your grade level color.  Our color is Blue.  Friday is Freaky Friday.  Kids dress like teachers and teachers dress like kids.  It should be fun.


The Alta Sierra school library will be open during the summer.  Keep up with your reading, and check out a book.  They will be open on Wednesdays 9:00- 1:00 on June 12, and 26, July 3, 24 and 31.

Chromebook Return

We will be returning chromebooks and chargers on Friday, May 31.  Please make sure your student brings these to school.  Chromebooks that are damaged or not returned will need to be replaced.

End of the Year BBQ

An email was sent out regarding the end of the year BBQ.  There is a link to a signup genius.  We are also requesting parents send in a current photo and a photo of their student when they were younger.  If photos could be turned in by May 31 that would be great.

No School Monday and Tuesday

Enjoy your extra long weekend  and I look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday.


Upcoming Dates

May 27.     Memorial Day - no school

May 28.     Emergency Day  - no school

June 4.     Fourth and Fifth Grade Field Day

June 5.      Fifth Grade Barbecue

June 6.      Last day of school

Happy Friday!

The last Friday of the school year !  Wow!  The time just flew by.  Next week should be a fun filled last week of school.  If you have not done so, please send in two pictures of your child.  One should be a current photo, the other should be of them when they started school.  These pictures will be returned after the BBQ.


Monday morning the Bear River Graduating Seniors will be on campus to do a graduation walk.  This is a fun event for our former Alta Sierra students.  We will be finishing up our last novel of the year and maybe doing a little desk clean up.


We will be having our fun day in the morning.  There is a good chance the students will get wet, so make sure to wear clothes that would be appropriate for this kind of activity.  Your student may want to bring a change of clothes as well.

In the afternoon there will be a BMX bike assembly.


We will be doing activities in the classroom in the morning.  The Awards and BBQ will be in the afternoon.  I hope to see you all there.


The last day!  Fifth graders will have their traditional walk down to the buses to cheers and music at the end of the day.  All students need to be picked up in the lower lot that day.  I hope to see you all there for this fun Alta Sierra tradition.

Have a great weekend and I look forward to seeing you next week!


Upcoming Dates


June 4.     Fourth and Fifth Grade Field Day

June 5.      Fifth Grade Barbecue

June 6.      Last day of school