

Welcome to our class web page! 


Welcome To Mrs. Cornejo's class!

We are having a terrific time getting to know each other and sharing our fabulous summer experiences. Your children have adjusted nicely to the school routine, and their eagerness for learning is amazing! It is going to be a wonderful year!
Check Weekly Posts for our most current classroom information.
I look forward to an INCREDIBLE year with you!


Thank you so much!!!  If you are receiving this e-mail you have subscribed to my web page.  Thank you!!


Regular Homework


*Read 20 minutes and record. Reading logs are due Friday.
*Practice Spelling words nightly. 
*Math- We are working in our Math Book and and using  Xtra Math facts practice on the computer.


Extra Practice with our math concepts can be found online using the ISE under "Things to Do" and Skill Sets found in the "Library", click on the "Lady in the Red Hat." You can find these helpful web based tools on Student Links under "Think Central." The children have been practicing how to access these helpful tools, so they should be able to show you how to log on to the program.


Please check over your child’s math homework daily for accuracy and completeness. Studies show students learn better when they are given the opportunity to verbalize the steps taken to solve problems. Please allow your child this golden opportunity each evening when completing the math homework to explain to you their logic on a few select problems. If you notice an error, you will be able to catch it quickly before it becomes a habit that is difficult to break. Some of the concepts may seem tricky, so please know ANY strategy you show your child that works is worth learning and sharing in math class.


Xtra Math Fact practice is expected to be completed daily for points. If your child completes facts for 5 days/week they will receive 10 points (A+) for the week, 4 days = 9 points (A-), 3 days = 8 points(B-), 2 days = 7 points(C-), 1 day = 6 points(D-).

When practicing spelling words, it  helps to break the words down into parts (syllables) and focus on the sounds of each part. 

Spelling Ideas to try at home:

  •   ABC order: Write your words in alphabetical order.
  •   Word Sort: Sort your words by vowel sounds, patterns, syllables, etc.
  •   Repetition: Write your words 3 times each
  •   Sentences: Write a sentence for each
  • spelling word.
  •   Word Art: Draw a picture and write your
  • words in the picture.
  •   Story time: Write a short story using all
  • your words.
  •   Creative Letters: Write your words by magazine and glue them on a paper.
  • cutting out letters in an old newspaper or
  •   Pyramid: Write your words adding or will be a pyramid shape of words.
  • subtracting one letter at a time. The result
  •   Good Clean Words: Write your words in surface that can be cleaned safely.
  • shaving cream on a counter or some other
  •   Handwriting: Write each word 3 times in
  • your best handwriting.
  •   Cheer your words: Pretend you are a
  • cheerleader and call out your words!
  •   Sound Words: Use a tape recorder and
  • record your words and their spelling. Then listen to your tape, checking to see that you spelled all the words correctly.
  •   Choo-Choo Words: Write the entire list end-to-end as one long word, using different colors of crayon or ink for different words.
  •   Flashwriting: In a darkened room, use a flashlight to draw letters in the air.
  •   Timer: Get a timer. Set it for 3 minutes. See how many times you can write your words before the timer goes off.
  •   Scramble: Have a parent scramble your spelling words. You unscramble them.

Chalk: Write your words outside using sidewalk chalk.

Letters: Write each word as many times as there are letters in the word.

Out loud: Spell your words out loud 2 times to a brother or sister, mom or dad.

Trace Around: Print your spelling words neatly. Take a colored pen and draw an outline around the word, closely following the shapes of the letters. Close your eyes and remember the shape.

Colorful Words: Use two different color pens to write your spelling words. Use one color to write the consonants and the other for the vowels.

Military spelling: Do jumping jacks, as you clap say a letter to spell your words.

Finger Tracing: Use your finger to spell out each of your words one letter at a time on your Mom or Dad‛s back. Then it‛s YOUR turn to feel and spell. Try to guess the word.

Practice Test: Have an adult give you a practice test.

Scratch n' Sniff: Write letters with glue on paper, and then sprinkle with Jell-O. Makes a super scratch n' Sniff when tracing over the letters.

Computer Words: Have your child type their spelling words ten times each on the computer. Use different colors and fonts and print it out!

Words-in-words: Write your word and then write at least 2 words made from each.

Snap and Spell: Snap on each letter, clap when you say the word at the end.

Create an activity: Can you think of a fun way to do your spelling activities? Try it out.









“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” Dr. Seuss



Recent Posts


Students will be tested on their spelling words on Friday. We will introduce words each Monday. Students will be expected to practice the words at home throughout the week. 

Reading Logs will go home on Fridays and will be due the following Friday. We are expecting students to read for 20 minutes and record three complete sentences summarizing what they read. Please initial each entry. For three complete entries, they will receive a B-. For four complete entries, they will receive an A-. For five complete entries, they will receive an A+. They can choose which nights to read.

The following schedule shows the consistent homework assignments for each day. There may be other assignments given. Please check the agenda daily for specific assignments.  

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice
Practice spelling words on own.

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice

Practice spelling words on own.

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice.
Practice spelling words on own.

Library book due Thursday.

Read 20 Minutes- Signed reading logs due on Friday.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice
Practice spelling words on own.





Google Classroom Sign Up

Mr. Rob Thompson sent you an invitation to join our google classroom last week. It was sent to your Gmail inbox. Eight students have signed up for our google classroom, and I hope many more of you do, too. We are planning an Art Docent presentation, but we will need to reschedule it for sometime after spring break. I hope you will be able to join us! Please sign up for the google classroom! Have a wonderful Spring Break!

March 31 - Distant Learning Update

Hi Everyone. I hope you are all doing well. I am so glad you picked up the Distant Learning Weekly Lesson Plan packet from school last week. I thought an explanation of the Distance Learning Extra/Optional Resource for Go Math might be helpful...

Think Central Go Math Interactive Student Edition (ISE) is a resource for learning the math lessons. All of the students know how to access this, since it is always assigned to do if they were absent or needed more help. It is available right now to help with math book 10. I am so proud of Amy for using this optional resource! I hope to see other students taking advantage of this option.

Students can access these as assignments on the Alta Sierra website under “Student Links.” Here is the way to access it.

Click on Students tab

Click on Student Links

Click on Think Central Go Math

Log in with your usual student ID name and the password is your student ID number

Click on “Things to Do”

Click on an assignment for Chapter 10.

For example Chapter 10 ISE 10.1 is Chapter 10 Lesson 1.

Use these interactive videos to help you understand the lessons in your workbook.

Click the “Done“ Button when you’ve completed the assignment, and I have the option of seeing how well you did! In addition, skill sets are found in the tab marked "library". Click on the lady in the red hat from fourth grade, choose a skill to work on, and click through the tabs. Unfortunately, the program does not share your work from the skill sets with me, but the practice is worth it!

Please remember Go Math is another extra (Optional Resource) for practicing your math facts. When you pass a level, I will be happy to advance the program for you to begin the next level. Simon and Claire are getting REALLY close to passing to their next level! Go for it!

Spelling City word lists are programmed in as an option, too. The DL (Distant Learning) packet ending April 13 uses words from lists 23, 24 & 25. There are new games available, too! Jeffrey, Anthony D, Claire, Sadie, Chloe, Molly & Jacob have been taking advantage of this option. I am so proud of you! 

Please remember, the Distant Learning Weekly Lessons have paper copies of all the activities fourth graders from both Alta Sierra & Cottage Hill schools should do during this time of school closures. Learning will continue to go on! Please take advantage of anything extra you choose to do from home-including independently working on your Social Studies Project-The Mission! At this point, anything you find to read about and add to your Google Doc or hand-written paper is an "extra" you can feel proud of yourself for doing! No worries if you are unable to do this extra work from home.

Here are some inspirational words from a journal writing (Extra /Optional Resource) quote sent to me via Google Doc from Brooke. She really warmed my heart with this journal entry and, just like we do in class weekly, I'd like to share it with you:

Brooke 3/26/20

Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom. - Oprah Winfrey 

Education is magical. It's a door to a wonderful life, filled with happiness, love, and excitement. You will have more options... almost about everything. Education gives you something some people take for granted, freedom. The freedom to have knowledge, to know how to do all sorts of things. It gives many opportunities in life. It gives you a second chance. Education is freedom. Education is life. 

I miss you all! Stay healthy, happy, and well educated! 



Chess Club

Online chess clubs for each PRSD school has been created through www.chesskid.com by our chess club coordinator, Don Walsh.  Students who participate may take chess lessons, complete chess puzzles, and play chess with other club members at the www.chesskid.com website at no cost to you.  Any PRSD student interested in learning about and/or playing chess online is welcome to join.  If you are interested in having your child join, please email Don Walsh at [email protected] and provide him your child's name, grade, and school s/he attends.  He will provide you a name and passcode for your child to enter at www.chesskid.com to get started.  Virtual chess club members are encouraged to sign in at 4:00 pm on Wednesdays.  At that time they will be able to play other students from your child's school who have joined and signed in.  Your child may sign in on a laptop, phone, Ipad, or tablet.
Thomas Bivens
Principal - Alta Sierra Elementary School

Distance Learning Packets

A message from our principal, Mr. Bivens:

Distance Learning Packets - distribution schedule


March 23, 2020

Hello parents.  I sure hope this message finds your families healthy and peaceful.   

Distance learning packets are ready and will be made available for pick up on Wednesday, March 25, 2020.  The schedule is below.  

The times are set alphabetically by last name.  You may pick up packets for family or friends. Just be sure that you drop it off for them!  We need you to initial for all packets picked up. We need to know that all families had access. 

Pickup times have been coordinated with Magnolia so you can hit both sites during the assigned hour.  Don’t worry if you are a little late, or early.  

If the weather is cooperative, staff will be handing out the packets curbside in the bus loading zone and you won’t have to get out of your car.  

If the weather is stormy, we will distribute in the MPR.  To maintain social distance, the number of people in the MPR will have to be kept to 10 or less.  Please park and wait until a staff member waves you up.

There are on-line resources available for enrichment, extra practice or to allow for exploration of topics.  You can find them all on our website home page at altasierra.prsd.us under the “students” tab.

These times are coordinated with Magnolia so you can hit each site during the assigned hour



Alpha - Last Name










Open pickup



March 16-20, 2020

I hope that everyone is staying safe and healthy this week.  I had thought I'd be at school working on distance learning packets by now, but we have been told to stay home.  Here is what you can work on until further notice. You will find the spelling words on my teacher web page under links. Our current list is 6.1. That is the one I had planned to do this week before the school closure, so it is programmed on Spelling City to do any day now until Friday, March 20. Xtra math is always available online. Think Central/Go Math ISE is currently programmed through the end of book 8, you can do the skill sets for the whole program and not just book 8 when you select the tab marked "library" and click on the lady in the red hat for 4th grade.  Class Hero is available too, access code 246842 (I believe-if I have it memorized correctly!)  It is very important to  continue to have your child read daily.
I realize that your child might want to be playing computer games.  Please consider having them log in to the educational games that are listed on our Alta Sierra website under Students, then Student Links or "Distance Learning Resources". If your child is reading AR books, encourage them to write a few notes so they will be able to take the test when we return.   We have been told that AR will soon be added to the website so that students can access tests from home. 
Hopefully we will know more soon.  Please continue to check for emails from the district as plans are rapidly changing and more links are being added to the website.  I am thinking of you all.  Hugs to your kiddos! I miss them!

Talent Show Try-Outs Reminder from Mrs. Heyl

Talent Show Try-Outs Reminder from Mrs. Heyl...
"Hi all,
Talent show try-outs are this Tuesday morning. Can you please send a reminder to parents that if their child would like to try-out, we need to have a signed permission slip turned in by Tuesday morning. I put extra copies of the permission slips in the office, but parents can just write a note giving permission if they lost the original form. Performers must also have their music and lyrics ready.
Thank you!

March 9-13, 2020

March 9-13, 2020
Please mark your calendar for Saturday, May 2! Our school will have our second annual Spring Carnival! Each class is responsible for some type of activity. Our class will be doing a "Beach Ball Bowling" activity. Please email me if you would like to help set up or run our class booth. I will send out the sign up genius in the near future. It will be fun!
Report cards went home on Thursday, March 5th!  Please sign the report card envelope, keep the report, and return the envelope on Monday if you haven't already returned it so I know you received it. Thank you!
We will study spelling words 5.4 on Spelling City, and the program is ready to begin now!
Students tested on adding and subtracting fractions this week and everyone did very well! We will continue studying fractions next week and begin Book 8 with multiplying fractions. 
We will continue reading The Island of the Blue Dolphins during our literature time this week.
Students have completed the first section of their mission report on the founding of the mission. You may view what they have written on your child's Google Doc and assist them with editing before we print it. We will work on the early history of the mission next week.
Students will take the NWEA test on their chrome book in our classroom on Tuesday morning, 8:30 -10:00. Please assist your child with coming to school refreshed and refueled, on time and ready for the test. They have been learning so much this year! I am so proud of our class!
Thank you everyone and have a wonderful week!

March 2-6, 2019

March 2-6, 2020
Trimester 2 ended today, Friday, February 28, and report cards will go home on Thursday, March 5th. Please look for the report in the Thursday folder, Sign the envelope at "2nd Trimester", and return the empty envelope to class on Friday. The children have been working very hard and I am so proud of all of them! They have learned so much and they are growing so quickly! 
Dr. Seuss Spirit Day is on Monday, March 2! Your child may come to class with any appropriate Dr. Seuss Spirit wear of their choosing. If they have a Dr. Seuss book they would like to share, please put your name on it so we make sure it is returned to you when we finish sharing it.
We will study spelling words 5.3 on Spelling City, and the program is ready to begin now!
All students passed the mid-chapter checkpoint on fractions this week, and many students scored an A! Yippee!!!  We will continue studying fractions next week and it gets a bit trickier. We are adding and subtracting mixed numbers with regrouping. It is really important to check your child's math homework for accuracy, completeness, and make sure they bring it back to school with their math book! (Many forgotten math books lately.)
We have begun reading The Island of the Blue Dolphins during our literature time in class, and the children are loving it!
Students received individual folders for their mission projects this week with all the information they need to complete this several-month-long project. You don't need to do anything at home just yet. Hopefully you saw the letter in the Thursday folder explaining how we will proceed with this project. More  information will come home later. If your child brings home the blue mission folder, please make sure it is returned to class the following day. We will work on this project daily, so mission library books and folders need to be in the classroom.
Thank you and have a great weekend!

February 24-28, 2020

We had a busy week starting with the President's Day Holiday on Monday. We had a marvelous week! We enjoyed a lesson from Mrs. Yoho, our art docent, and we made awesome Bridges! Students who return the "Bridgeport Bridge Restoration Project Student Competition/Student Permission Form" will have their work submitted for the contest. Permission slips went home in the Thursday folder on February 20. 

We will start spelling 5.2 words on Monday. The words are available to students on Spelling City today. We will have our spelling test on Thursday.

Students will go to the garden on Tuesday!

We will read about Mexico Gaining Independence from Spain in our Studies Weekly Magazine.

Thank you for signing up for your child's mission on the Sign up Genius. I have finalized the sign up, and students will be introduced to their project on  Monday, February 24. We will begin working on missions in class, so there is nothing you need to do at home at this time. More information will be sent home in the February 27th Thursday folder.

Students are learning how to add and subtract fractions in math, and they will take their mid-chapter checkpoint test this week. Your child will find extra help and practice on Think Central/Go Math ISE 7.1-7.5, and in the "library" they will find skill sets for extra practice with fractions. Please encourage your child to visit the Class Hero site to earn awards in class. Our class access code is 456842.

The end of the trimester is rapidly approaching! We only have one week left in the trimester. Trimester 3 ends on Friday, February 28. Report cards will go home the following week.

Friday, February 28 is a minimum day. School will be dismissed at 12:00 noon.

Thank you and have a wonderful week!

February 18-21, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day! We had a spectacular Valentine's Day Party! Thank you all for sending in items for our students! Your generosity is greatly appreciated!

Happy President's weekend! We will return to class on Tuesday, February 18th. The upcoming week will be a short week, so we will not have any spelling words to study.  

We will plan to visit the garden on Tuesday, weather permitting, so please have your child wear appropriate shoes for the garden. 

Mrs. Yoho will visit our classroom on Wednesday for an Art Docent presentation.

The end of the trimester is February 28. Please continue to check your child's grades on Power School. Report cards will be going home the following week. 

Have a wonderful weekend!



February 10-13, 2020

I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!

We have some fun things planned this week! We will begin passing out Valentines on Monday. Students will take home their special Valentine Bags on Thursday.

There is no school on Friday, Feb. 14, so Red Reading Folders will be due on Thursday!

Students will work in their study guide on Fractions this week, and they will complete the test. Please use all resources available for extra practice as needed. Students can access Think Central/Go Math ISE 6.1-6.8 and Skill Sets on Fractions on the Alta Sierra web page under "students" > "student links." 

We will study Spelling 5.1 words this week, and students will take their test on Thursday. The words are available on Spelling City for early practice.

The end of the trimester is February 28. Please continue to check your child's grades on Power School.

We still need one more item for our Valentine’s Day party. Please see the Sign Up Genius. Also, the students won a movie award! Please send in a rated "G" movie for a class vote. The movie will be shown on Thursday and returned Thursday afternoon. Thank you for sharing your movies!

Just a reminder, we will be exchanging Valentine’s in class. I have asked the students to please include all students if they are participating in our Valentine exchange. This will avoid hurt feelings. The student list went home. Please let me know if you need another copy.

Thank you!


February 3-7, 2020

February 3-7, 2020
We had an amazing week! Students made series and parallel circuits in class! It was awesome!
Congratulations to our Student of the Month Award Winners, Brooke, Chloe, Landon, Jeffrey and Zachary! I am so proud of all of you!
Spelling City is available for early practice for the 4.4 word list. The test will be on Thursday. Please remember to log into Spelling City to practice the words!

The class will be reading "Passport to Wonder" this week! Be prepared to be amazed!

We are continuing to study fractions and fraction equivalents. Your child will find extra practice helpful on the Think Central/Go Math ISE 6.1-6.8, and in the Skill Sets  23 & 24 found in the "library" under the icon of the "Lady in the Red Hat." 

Please make sure that your child is reading a book for their Red Reading Folder due every Friday.

We will be celebrating Valentine’s Day on Thursday, February 13th.  I have sent out the sign up genius. Thank you to everyone who has signed up to send in items already. There are still two or so slots to fill. We will be exchanging Valentine’s in class.  I have asked the students who want to participate in the Valentine card exchange to please include ALL students. This will avoid hurt feelings.The class list went home in the Thursday Folder on January 30. 

I have also recently sent out the Sign Up Genius for our Mission Reports. Please sign up for a mission on the Sign Up Genius. There are fewer missions on the sign up than students in class, so once all slots are filled I will add those of you who were not able to use the system to double up on Missions with another student. We have a limited number of library books in our school library, so it is easier for students to have their own mission so they can check out and take home a mission library book. I will spend a few weeks preparing your child's mission folder before we begin writing our reports. If any of you are able  to volunteer to help prepare the folders I would be very grateful! 

Thank you all so much for your continued support! Have a beautiful weekend!



January 27-31, 2020

I hope that everyone enjoyed the weekend!

Last week, we had an awesome Art Docent lesson presented by Mrs. Yoho.  It is a "Class Train" with each student creating their own "boxcar" to attach to the locomotive! The children had a wonderful time working with oil pastels and showing their amazing creativity! I can hardly wait to put it on display in our room!

This week's spelling word list is 4.3, and it is entered onto Spelling City! 

We completed our math test on divisibility rules, factors, multiples, prime & composite numbers, and we will begin our next unit on fractions! Fractions are everywhere! Please point them out to your children when you bake, play a musical instrument, or share food. You can even go out for pizza and see what fraction of the pizza your child eats! They'll love it!

The Sign Up Genius will be sent out soon for our Valentine's Day Party!

Thank you so much for all of your help and support! Have a wonderful week!



Mid Trimester Ends January 17!

Your child's mid trimester grades are recorded on Power School for your review. The trimester does not end until February 28, so there is time for your child to raise their grades! I will not send home a paper copy of the Power School grade report because you have access to it on Power School. Please let me know if you need me to print you a "Quick Look Up" paper copy and I will be happy to do so. Thank you!

January 21-24, 2020

Happy Friday afternoon! I hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend with their families! We will have only four days of school next week, so our spelling test 4.2 will be on Friday, not Thursday.  The words are ready on Spelling City for early practice.
We will take our math test 5 on Factors, Multiples, and number patterns this upcoming week. Please continue to monitor math homework for understanding. The students will start their study guide on factors and multiples using divisibility rules in class on Tuesday. Our next book 6 introduces fractions! Please take the opportunity to discuss with your child how you use fractions every day when you bake, measure things, or even share slices of pizza! Be creative! Fractions are all around!
We will have an Art Docent Presentation on Wednesday.
Students will "Rally Around the Flag" on Friday.
We will continue our study of electricity in Science! 
Have a wonderful weekend!