

Welcome to our class web page! 


Welcome To Mrs. Cornejo's class!

We are having a terrific time getting to know each other and sharing our fabulous summer experiences. Your children have adjusted nicely to the school routine, and their eagerness for learning is amazing! It is going to be a wonderful year!
Check Weekly Posts for our most current classroom information.
I look forward to an INCREDIBLE year with you!


Thank you so much!!!  If you are receiving this e-mail you have subscribed to my web page.  Thank you!!


Regular Homework


*Read 20 minutes and record. Reading logs are due Friday.
*Practice Spelling words nightly. 
*Math- We are working in our Math Book and and using  Xtra Math facts practice on the computer.


Extra Practice with our math concepts can be found online using the ISE under "Things to Do" and Skill Sets found in the "Library", click on the "Lady in the Red Hat." You can find these helpful web based tools on Student Links under "Think Central." The children have been practicing how to access these helpful tools, so they should be able to show you how to log on to the program.


Please check over your child’s math homework daily for accuracy and completeness. Studies show students learn better when they are given the opportunity to verbalize the steps taken to solve problems. Please allow your child this golden opportunity each evening when completing the math homework to explain to you their logic on a few select problems. If you notice an error, you will be able to catch it quickly before it becomes a habit that is difficult to break. Some of the concepts may seem tricky, so please know ANY strategy you show your child that works is worth learning and sharing in math class.


Xtra Math Fact practice is expected to be completed daily for points. If your child completes facts for 5 days/week they will receive 10 points (A+) for the week, 4 days = 9 points (A-), 3 days = 8 points(B-), 2 days = 7 points(C-), 1 day = 6 points(D-).

When practicing spelling words, it  helps to break the words down into parts (syllables) and focus on the sounds of each part. 

Spelling Ideas to try at home:

  •   ABC order: Write your words in alphabetical order.
  •   Word Sort: Sort your words by vowel sounds, patterns, syllables, etc.
  •   Repetition: Write your words 3 times each
  •   Sentences: Write a sentence for each
  • spelling word.
  •   Word Art: Draw a picture and write your
  • words in the picture.
  •   Story time: Write a short story using all
  • your words.
  •   Creative Letters: Write your words by magazine and glue them on a paper.
  • cutting out letters in an old newspaper or
  •   Pyramid: Write your words adding or will be a pyramid shape of words.
  • subtracting one letter at a time. The result
  •   Good Clean Words: Write your words in surface that can be cleaned safely.
  • shaving cream on a counter or some other
  •   Handwriting: Write each word 3 times in
  • your best handwriting.
  •   Cheer your words: Pretend you are a
  • cheerleader and call out your words!
  •   Sound Words: Use a tape recorder and
  • record your words and their spelling. Then listen to your tape, checking to see that you spelled all the words correctly.
  •   Choo-Choo Words: Write the entire list end-to-end as one long word, using different colors of crayon or ink for different words.
  •   Flashwriting: In a darkened room, use a flashlight to draw letters in the air.
  •   Timer: Get a timer. Set it for 3 minutes. See how many times you can write your words before the timer goes off.
  •   Scramble: Have a parent scramble your spelling words. You unscramble them.

Chalk: Write your words outside using sidewalk chalk.

Letters: Write each word as many times as there are letters in the word.

Out loud: Spell your words out loud 2 times to a brother or sister, mom or dad.

Trace Around: Print your spelling words neatly. Take a colored pen and draw an outline around the word, closely following the shapes of the letters. Close your eyes and remember the shape.

Colorful Words: Use two different color pens to write your spelling words. Use one color to write the consonants and the other for the vowels.

Military spelling: Do jumping jacks, as you clap say a letter to spell your words.

Finger Tracing: Use your finger to spell out each of your words one letter at a time on your Mom or Dad‛s back. Then it‛s YOUR turn to feel and spell. Try to guess the word.

Practice Test: Have an adult give you a practice test.

Scratch n' Sniff: Write letters with glue on paper, and then sprinkle with Jell-O. Makes a super scratch n' Sniff when tracing over the letters.

Computer Words: Have your child type their spelling words ten times each on the computer. Use different colors and fonts and print it out!

Words-in-words: Write your word and then write at least 2 words made from each.

Snap and Spell: Snap on each letter, clap when you say the word at the end.

Create an activity: Can you think of a fun way to do your spelling activities? Try it out.









“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” Dr. Seuss



Recent Posts


Students will be tested on their spelling words on Friday. We will introduce words each Monday. Students will be expected to practice the words at home throughout the week. 

Reading Logs will go home on Fridays and will be due the following Friday. We are expecting students to read for 20 minutes and record three complete sentences summarizing what they read. Please initial each entry. For three complete entries, they will receive a B-. For four complete entries, they will receive an A-. For five complete entries, they will receive an A+. They can choose which nights to read.

The following schedule shows the consistent homework assignments for each day. There may be other assignments given. Please check the agenda daily for specific assignments.  

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice
Practice spelling words on own.

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice

Practice spelling words on own.

Read 20 Minutes and record in reading log.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice.
Practice spelling words on own.

Library book due Thursday.

Read 20 Minutes- Signed reading logs due on Friday.
Math- One lesson plus Xtra Math facts practice
Practice spelling words on own.





Reach Spelling Unit 6

 Unit 6, Week 1,

Words with r controlled syllables

  1. affirm
  2. bargain
  3. blister
  4. circumstance
  5. export
  6. flickering
  7. harpoon
  8. import
  9. liberty
  10. nursery
  11. orphan
  12. partner
  13. serpent
  14. surrender
  15. yonder

 Watch-Out Words

  1. fair
  2. fare
  3. scene
  4. seen


Unit 6, Week 2, Words with y 

  1. anxiety
  2. authority
  3. canyon
  4. celebrity
  5. fury
  6. hearty
  7. justly
  8. outcry
  9. rallying
  10. reply
  11. society
  12. spry
  13. yacht
  14. yearn
  15. yoke

Watch-Out Words

  1. peer
  2. pier
  3. wait
  4. weight


Unit 6, Week 3, Words with oi, oy, ou, ow

  1. annoy
  2. astound
  3. boundless
  4. boycott
  5. cowardly
  6. disappoint
  7. encounter
  8. hoist
  9. loyalty
  10. outrage
  11. prowl
  12. rouse
  13. scowl
  14. trounce
  15. turmoil


Watch-Out Words

  1. foul
  2. fowl
  3. tide
  4. tied

Unit 6, Week 4, Words with oo, ew; au, aw, al, all

  1. awkward
  2. balmy
  3. brooding
  4. falter
  5. foolproof
  6. gloomy
  7. jaunty
  8. jewelry
  9. lawless
  10. nightfall
  11. roost
  12. saucy
  13. shrewd
  14. squawk
  15. strewn


Watch-Out Words

  1. who’s
  2. whose

Reach Spelling Unit 5


Unit 5, Week 1

Words with Long i: ie, igh

  1. airtight
  2. blight
  3. delightful
  4. frightening
  5. highway
  6. insight
  7. knighthood
  8. lie
  9. lightweight
  10. oversight
  11. searchlight
  12. supplies
  13. tiebreaker
  14. upright
  15. vie

Watch-Out Words

  1. right
  2. rite
  3. write

Unit 5, Week 2

Words with Long u: u, i, ue

  1. argue
  2. avenue
  3. barbecue
  4. bruise
  5. continue
  6. cruel
  7. fruitful
  8. fuel
  9. hue
  10. juicy
  11. nuisance
  12. overdue
  13. rescue
  14. statue
  15. suitable

Watch-Out Words




   18. pair

   19. par

   20. pear

Unit 5, Week 3

Words with r-controlled vowels: ar, er, ir, or, ur

  1. bewilder
  2. confirm
  3. curse
  4. emergency
  5. harmful
  6. horrible
  7. litter
  8. marvelous
  9. purchase
  10. scurry
  11. shortage
  12. smother
  13. starvation
  14. thirst
  15. victor

Watch-Out Words

  1. affect
  2. effect
  3. quiet
  4. quite


Unit 5, Week 4

Words with r-controlled vowels:

air, ear; ear, eer

  1. appear
  2. career
  3. fearful
  4. flair
  5. jeering
  6. lair
  7. pear
  8. repair
  9. sneer
  10. spear
  11. stairway
  12. steer
  13. swear
  14. teardrop
  15. weary

Watch-Out Words

  1. breath
  2. breathe

Reach Spelling Unit 4


Unit 4, Week 1

Words with Long a: ai, ay


  1. betray
  2. daily
  3. decay
  4. display
  5. entertain
  6. hail
  7. maintain
  8. mermaid
  9. praise
  10. relay
  11. remain
  12. sustain
  13. traitor
  14. waterway
  15. yesterday

Watch-Out Words

  1. toe
  2. tow
  3. real
  4. really


Unit 4, Week 2

Words with Long e: ee, ea; Long o: oa, ow


  1. boast
  2. defeat
  3. evergreen
  4. exceed
  5. feeble
  6. foamy
  7. keen
  8. minnow
  9. oath
  10. overflow
  11. plead
  12. reasonable
  13. release
  14. roam
  15. shallow

Watch-Out Words

  1. beside
  2. besides
  3. loose
  4. lose


Unit 4, Week 3

Verbs Ending in ed


  1. absorbed
  2. astonished
  3. bulged
  4. concealed
  5. cured
  6. echoed
  7. envied
  8. evaporated
  9. functioned
  10. identified
  11. knotted
  12. noticed
  13. varied
  14. whizzed
  15. yielded

Watch-Out Words

  1. allowed
  2. aloud
  3. creak
  4. creek

Unit 4, Week 4

Verbs Ending in ing


  1. altering
  2. cultivating
  3. debating
  4. eroding
  5. glittering
  6. harvesting
  7. impacting
  8. irrigating
  9. mingling
  10. overtaking
  11. plunging
  12. producing
  13. reducing
  14. scarring
  15. supplying

Watch-out Words

  1. dew
  2. do
  3. due

Reach Spelling Unit 3


Unit 3, Week 1
Words with Long e, i, and o









Watch-Out Words

  1. heard
  2. herd
  3. it’s
  4. its

Unit 3, Week 2

Words with Long a: ai, ay

1. betray

2. daily

3. decay

4. display

5. entertain

6. hail

7. maintain

8. mermaid

9. praise

10. relay

11. remain

12. sustain

13. traitor

14. waterway

15. yesterday

Watch-Out Words

  1. to

Unit 3, Week 3
Words with VCe Pattern
















Watch-Out Words






Unit 3, Week 4
Words with Plurals Formed by Adding –s, -es







7. jackets









Watch-Out Words




Reach Spelling Unit 2


Unit 2, Week 1

Words with Short e

  1. accident
  2. attend
  3. clever
  4. employee
  5. escape
  6. express
  7. forever
  8. invest
  9. medicine
  10. object
  11. pellet
  12. prevent
  13. regret
  14. relative
  15. vegetable

Watch-Out Words

  1. there
  2. they’re
  3. their
  4. good
  5. well


Unit 2, Week 2

Words with Digraphs ck, sh

  1. ashamed
  2. flourish
  3. flock
  4. husk
  5. knuckle
  6. lack
  7. marsh
  8. package
  9. pluck
  10. punish
  11. reckon
  12. shaggy
  13. shelter
  14. shriek
  15. stuck
  16. trickery

Watch-Out Words

  1. course
  2. coarse
  3. affect
  4. effect



Unit 2, Week 3

Words with Digraphs th, ng

  1. among
  2. anything
  3. earthworm
  4. enthusiasm
  5. evening
  6. fang
  7. health
  8. kingdom
  9. lengthen
  10. method
  11. mustang
  12. sympathy
  13. theory
  14. thicket
  15. underneath

Watch-Out Words

  1. mail
  2. male
  3. bred
  4. bread


Unit 2, Week 4

Words with Consonant Blends

  1. ascend
  2. brilliant
  3. clink
  4. clumsy
  5. complain
  6. consult
  7. crest
  8. dread
  9. frequent
  10. frolic
  11. slither
  12. smother
  13. sniff
  14. snout
  15. stamp
  16. trample

Watch-Out Words

  1. all right
  2. all ready
  3. already
  4. all together

Weekly Update June 5-8

Dear Families,
It has been my pleasure to teach your Fourth Grade children this year! It has been a wonderful experience. They have all learned and grown so much since last August. I am very proud of our students.
We will have a final busy week to include our Eagle Day Activities and Pizza Lunch on Wednesday. Please remember to send in your $3.00 for pizza if you have not yet sent it in. In addition, our Sign Up Genius went out and many slots are filled! Thank you! However, we are still in need of one more person to set up/clean up from 11:00-12:00, someone to send in a veggie tray or salad, we need 2 bags of ice, one more dessert, a cut-up fruit plate, and parachute helpers on the field from 8:15-9:15, or 9:40-10:25. (I will be present to lead the parachute, but I desperately need the help of parent volunteers. It is pretty fun!)
We completed our final Reading Log last Friday, June 2, but I will be asking the students to read nightly for homework. They will not be asked to record their reading. I am hoping they will enjoy their book so much they will continue to read over the summer! No reading logs will be turned in this week.
Students will be asked to continue Xtra Math Facts on the computer this week, and we will have one final math homework assignment on Monday. We will not have a spelling test this week.
Thank you for your support this school year. It has been my pleasure getting to know you and your children. Have a wonderful summer vacation!
Mrs. Cornejo

Correction to Update for May 30-June 2

I look forward to seeing our students in class on Tuesday, May 30th! 
Thank you!

Weekly Update May 30-June 2

It was great to see so many of our wonderful families at Open House Thursday night! I really enjoyed seeing your children's faces light up as they were showing you so many projects they have been doing in fourth grade this year. I am so proud of them! 
I hope you all have a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend and I will look forward seeing our students back in class on Tuesday, May 31. It is going to be another fast week! We will continue our regular homework schedule to include math WB pages, Xtra Math facts, and Spelling Test 7.3 on Friday. 
Please see our Sign Up Genius for the Fourth Grade End-of-the Year Party on June 7. In addition, we are requesting all students send in $3.00 by Friday, June 2 to cover the cost of the pizza. Yum! Thanks! 
Friday, June 2nd is Bus Driver Appreciation Day. Please remind your child to offer kind words of gratitude to their bus driver on that day. Our bus drivers do an amazing job!!!
Also happening on June 2 is Hawaiian Shirt Day! Your child will receive group points for wearing either a Hawaiian shirt or spirit colors on Friday.
Thank you for all you do for our children! Have a wonderful week!

Weekly Update May 22-26

Thank you for returning the Eagle Day Contracts! We just have a few unsigned and hope they will be returned soon!  A second copy of the Eagle Day contract went home on Friday, May 19 with students who have not yet returned them. They are due by June 2, 2017. To attend, students must have less that nine refocuses from May 16- June 6. Also, all work from 5/16-6/2 must be completed and up-to-date.

Please make sure that kids are working on their Mission Boards.  These are to be completed at home and returned by Monday, May 22. Thank you to the children who sent them in this week. They look marvelous! Please do not send in extra credit projects until May 25th.

We hope that everyone will be able to make it to Open House on Thursday, May 25.  There will be a lot happening that night at our school.  There will be three food trucks and the book fair will be open in the library!  We are also excited for you to see all of the projects that we have been working on!!

We will be testing on Spelling 7.2 on Friday, May 26. We are still doing reading logs this week and Math homework. Please ask your child if they have received their Xtra Math Certificate. It is worth points!

I will be sending a sign up genius in the near future for our End-of-the Year party, and for Fun Day Volunteers for Wed., June 7.

Have a great week!

REACH spelling words for May 26, 2017 test and beyond...

We will introduce words and give a practice test each Monday. Students will write the words in their agendas on Tuesday in class, sort the words on Wednesday, and on Thursday they will play a spelling game in class. Final test given on Friday. 


Unit 7, Week 2 test on Friday, May 26:

Unit 7, Week 2, Words with oo; Silent Consonants


  1. acknowledge
  2. align
  3. bombs
  4. climbing
  5. crooked
  6. design
  7. fasten
  8. gnash
  9. handbook
  10. know-how
  11. numbness
  12. outlook
  13. withstood
  14. wrathful
  15. wreckage


Watch-Out Words

  1. recent
  2. resent
  3. thorough
  4. through




Unit 7, Week 3 Words for testing on Friday, June 2:

Unit 7, Week 3, Words with VCV, VCCV Patterns


  1. cluster
  2. commander
  3. future
  4. goggles
  5. helium
  6. helmet
  7. lunar
  8. massive
  9. pilot
  10. platform
  11. public
  12. seldom
  13. signal
  14. tablet
  15. vapor


Watch-Out Words

  1. missed
  2. mist
  3. sail
  4. sale


Prior words: (For Make-Up Testing If Needed)

Unit 7, Week 1 testing on May 19:

Unit 7, Week 1, Words with Hard and Soft c, g

  1. advantage
  2. broadcast
  3. circuit
  4. conquer
  5. cylinder
  6. device
  7. engineer
  8. gadget
  9. genius
  10. glimpse
  11. gravity
  12. intelligent
  13. oxygen
  14. replacement
  15. telescope


Watch-Out Words

  1. finally
  2. finely
  3. precede
  4. proceed


Unit 6, Week 4, Words with oo, ew; au, aw, al, all

  1. awkward
  2. balmy
  3. brooding
  4. falter
  5. foolproof
  6. gloomy
  7. jaunty
  8. jewelry
  9. lawless
  10. nightfall
  11. roost
  12. saucy
  13. shrewd
  14. squawk
  15. strewn


Watch-Out Words

  1. who’s
  2. whose


***No Spelling Test was given on Friday, April 21 due to short week & Field Trip.***

Prior Words for Unit 6, Week 3 test from Friday, April 7 for Make-up testing:

Unit 6, Week 3, Words with oi, oy, ou, ow

  1. annoy
  2. astound
  3. boundless
  4. boycott
  5. cowardly
  6. disappoint
  7. encounter
  8. hoist
  9. loyalty
  10. outrage
  11. prowl
  12. rouse
  13. scowl
  14. trounce
  15. turmoil


Watch-Out Words

  1. foul
  2. fowl
  3. tide
  4. tied



Prior Words for Unit 6, Week 2 test from Friday, March 31 for Make-up testing:

Unit 6, Week 2, Words with y

  1. anxiety
  2. authority
  3. canyon
  4. celebrity
  5. fury
  6. hearty
  7. justly
  8. outcry
  9. rallying
  10. reply
  11. society
  12. spry
  13. yacht
  14. yearn
  15. yoke

Watch-Out Words

  1. peer
  2. pier
  3. wait
  4. weight







Weekly Update May 15-19

Dear Families,
We have a very busy week planned! Hopefully you received the message our Mission Project due date has been extended to Monday, May 22, in honor of Mother's Day! I hope you and your beautiful children enjoy the day together! 
We have been busy preparing for our play, "Gold Dust or Bust", and we will be performing for our families on Wednesday, May 17 at 6:00 p.m. in the MPR. Please have your child meet us in Ms. Schwartz's classroom, #21, in costume, at 5:45 p.m. (Reminder for costumes: blue jeans and a plain t-shirt in a color that would have been available in the 1800's or plaid shirt. Please no logos on shirts. Girls are welcome to wear skirts, blouses, and bonnets.) We look forward to performing for you!
We will enjoy our field trip to Coloma on Thursday, May 18. Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to join us on this very special trip. We now have enough parents joining us, so THANK YOU!
Our regular homework schedule begins again this week and we will be having a spelling test on Friday, May 19. (Unit 7.1 words)
Aide appreciation day is on Friday, May 19. We will be celebrating Mrs. Yoho and Mrs. Overmire. They have both been a wonderful help in our classroom this year and we are so grateful to have them! Mrs. Overmire comes in every Monday to read with our students and she helped them as they prepared for the Speech Contest. Mrs. Yoho works with our children daily and has helped them make amazing progress throughout the year. We love them both!
Looking ahead...  Our class will be visiting the Book Fair on Monday, May 22, from 12:30-1:00. Students may bring money in an envelope with their name written on it. 
Have a wonderful week!

Gold Dust or Bust Update

Dear Parents,

Our 4th grade performance, Gold Dust or Bust is rapidly approaching.  Our evening performance will be on Wednesday May, 17 at 6:00.  We will be having a dress rehearsal that afternoon at 1:00. Please have your child bring or wear his/her costume this day.  Students are welcome to change into their costumes for the dress rehearsals and wear their regular school clothes the rest of the day.  On the evening ofWednesday, May 17, please have your child in Ms. Schwartz's room 21 in costume at 5:40 pm.  Your child has an important part in our play, and we so appreciate your support with having them participate in this activity.



Please make sure that your child is dressed in blue jeans and a plain t-shirt in a color that would have been available in the 1800s or a plaid shirt.  Please no logos on shirts.


Girls are welcome to wear skirts, blouses, and bonnets.


We look forward to performing for you!


Thanks so much!

Ms. Schwartz and Mrs. Cornejo

Weekly Update May 8-12

Weekly Update May 8-12

Thank you all for taking the time with your child this week to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. You spoiled me with gifts, treats, and super sweet cards that brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart. Thank you!

I was so proud of our children this week during testing. We had pep talks each day, and did some nice stretching and breathing to help them remain calm. They jumped in and worked so hard. The tests are long and can be overwhelming, but they kept at it and did their best. Thanks for all of the snacks to help make the days less painful! We have two more days of testing this week on Monday and Wednesday, so we will not have Spelling or Math homework until CAASPP testing is finished.

We will continue to work on our missions this week. Then we will send the folders home and the students will complete the mission boards at home. You are welcome to have them log in to their Google docs and continue editing. They may print at school after they have had an adult check their editing. Please let me know if your child needs a poster board. Your child may bring in their mission board as scheduled on May 16 if they are ready, but we have EXTENDED THE MISSION DUE DATE to MONDAY, MAY 22. Boards turned in after that will receive reduced points.
Please help your child memorize and practice their speaking parts for our performance of "Gold Dust or Bust" if they have speaking parts. We will continue rehearsing in school this week.

Thank you for your continued support for our classroom and have a great week!

Weekly Update May 1-5


Weekly Update May 1-5

We will begin the CAASPP testing on Tuesday this week Thank you to all of our wonderful families who have signed up to send in refreshments for our children. It is important to help our children keep up their strength during testing! Please be aware our homework schedule will be different during our two week testing session. We will continue Red Reading Folders, but we will not have spelling words/tests or math homework for two weeks. Yippee!!


We will continue to work on our Mission Reports in class all week, so please remind your child to return the blue Mission Folder daily. We completed typing "Founding" and "Early History" in class this week, so if your child has not finished these two summaries on their Google Classroom Document, please help them remember to finish. We will set the format later, but completing the typing is helpful. We finished writing the rough draft for "Early People" in class on Friday, so we will type that summary in class on Monday. Your child has the option to read and take notes for their mission as part of their Red Reading Folder weekly requirements. Please write the name of the mission book or article read, minutes, and "see mission folder" for the written entry. Please remember to initial or sign daily, as usual.


Please return the "Intent to Return" (blue) form and the "Gold Dust or Bust-able to attend" (white) form this week if you haven't already. I offer table points for forms returned!


We will be taking our last field trip of the year to Coloma on Thursday, May 18. I have two parents scheduled to volunteer, but we will need at least three more. Please let me know if you would like to join us! Thank you to all of our wonderful families who donated $5.00 toward busses for our field trips this year. It has been a great year for field trips! Please send in your $5.00 donation this week if you haven't already done so. 


Thank you for your continued support for our students! You are marvelous!

Storybook Night

Don't miss Storybook Night! Thursday, April 27 in the MPR at 6:00 p.m. Wear your PJ's and enjoy books read by your teachers. Bring a book, a blanket, and a stuffed toy and enjoy! See you there!