Mrs. Kerry Kelley » Teacher/Parent Communication

Teacher/Parent Communication

Mrs. Kelley's email: [email protected]
Alta Sierra School phone: 530-272-2319

I check my email early in the morning before my TKers come to school, and after 2:00pm when I have finished my intervention programs with other students. If you happen to email me about special instructions for your child, and I haven't responded (especially if your email is sent after 7:30am on a school day), please call the office to ensure I get your important information in time. Thanks so much!
When school begins, please communicate with the office your TKer's detailed after-school plan.
For example:
Picked up by who at 11:25am at the lower parking lot?(11:15am until after Labor Day)
Going to the TK After-School Program?
          Who is picking up at 2:00pm at the lower parking lot or which bus is your TKer going home on?
          Staying longer than 2:00pm for the TK-5 after-school program?
Also, please let the office know of ANY change to regular pick-up/after school plans that occur during the year. For the safety of students, all changes need to be given in writing or spoken directly by parents/guardians to an office staff member. Thank you so much for your help with this.