TK Week of November 6th-9th

I hope all our TK families had a wonderful Veteran's Day weekend together!
Letter I - TK practiced listening for words that start with the /i/ Inny Inchworm sound and making lots of capital I letters.
Math - Our TKers had lots of fun playing games that helped strengthen their spacial awareness and also helped them notice attributes (or characteristics) that are similar.
No Library this Last Week - Since we weren't in school on Friday we didn't get to go to the library last week. But, Woohoo!, we'll get to see Mrs. Alonso and check out a new book this coming Friday.
**GETTING READY FOR A TK THANKSGIVING - Please be looking for an email from, with things you can sign-up for to help our TKers have a wonderful TK FEAST.
**CLASSROOM STOCKING FOR A FOSTER CHILD - Our classroom is teaming with Child Advocates of Nevada County to help a foster child have a special Christmas. We get to sponsor a four year old little girl.
I was told she wears 5/6T clothing and size 11 shoes. She's into "science" right now and loves art and craft projects. She will be living in a snowy area this winter.
If you would like to help with a stocking stuffer or present, that would be wonderful! They are asking that presents not be wrapped, but we can put them in a large gift bag or red stocking that I'll have ready. I'll need to turn her presents and stocking in on the weekend of December 2nd.
Please tell your TKer I can't wait to see them tomorrow morning!
Dates to Remember:

November 21st - Our TK Feast

November 22nd-24th - Thanksgiving Break (No School)

December 12th - Yay! TK’s Holiday Cheer Program in Room K at 6:00pm

December 22nd - Minimum Day (TK - 11:25am - Everybody Else - 12:00 noon)

December 25th-January 5th - Winter Break (No School)