TK Week of April 1st-5th

Hello Parents!
One of our TK highlights this week was bundling up and playing in the snow this morning!
Letter V - We thought a lot about the letter V this week ("Hello Smile, Slide Down, Slide Up").
A Little Problem - You might have heard that lice have come to many classes in Alta Sierra, and I found out today that our kiddos have been exposed as well. Be sure to check your kiddo. (Hair near the base of the neck is a warm and favorite spot for those pesky bugs.)
Candyland Family Festival: Thank you so much for the many donations that will help put together our class fundraising basket and our booth. I hope everyone has marked their calendars for this special day - Sunday, April 14 from noon to 4:00pm. WE ARE STILL IN BIG NEED OF VOLUNTEERS TO HELP MAN OUR BOOTH THAT DAY. PLEASE LOOK AT OUR SIGNUPGENIUS AGAIN TO SEE IF A TIME WORKS FOR YOU. (Renee is also still needing help putting things together for the booth.)
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
March 25th-29th - Spring Break (no school)
April 1st - Back to School (Emergency Day was used)
April 19th - Professional Development Day (no school)
May 16th - Yay! Open House
May 27th - Memorial Day (no school)
May 28th - 2nd Emergency Day (no school IF we don't need to use this day for snow or no power)